ASL Inquiry

May 27, 2024

Post Secondary Schools in Prince George
UNBC Homepage– University of Northern BC
UNBC – Application
UNBC  Services Page – check here to see all the services UNBC provides for students

UNBC Access Resource Centre – services for students with documented disabilities – need to register to access services

Transitioning to College with a Disability – 10 year old video and American, but they walk you through what to do to get access to services for people with a disability

College of New Caledonia (CNC)
CNC – Accessibility Services
CNC – All Services – by Campus

Prince George’s Community College – Admission & Registration 

Prince George’s Community College – Disability Support Services


ASL Dictionary/Phrasebook
ASL links
ASL Dictionary from Handspeak 
Signing Savvy – “sign language dictionary containing several thousand high resolution videos of American Sign Language (ASL) signs, fingerspelled words, and other common signs used within the United States and Canada.”
ASL Dictionary


Tools For Representing Your Learning:


Book Creator – web-based program for creating digital books, with own images and narration; also iPad version

Canva – great program to create videos, presentations, posters, brochures, etc.


Accessibility Services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People
B.C. Assistance Program for Students with Disabilities – government of BC – funding, grants, financial support

Education funding for people with disabilities – Government of Canada
– “links to services, benefits and programs to assist people with disabilities and their families”

Post Secondary Education Resources – Disability Alliance BC
– great site to get information on all kids of support from accessibility, accommodation, to careers, etc.

Interviewing Tips
5 Best Interview Tips for College Students (video and transcript) –  10:05 minutes video from Indeed

36 Interview Questions for Students to Help Them Prepare – 12:06 minute video from Indeed

Interviewing Skills -17 minute video from  DEBSinASL – interpreter signing tips for potential interviewees

Deaf Student Experience – Advice for New Students – 6:42 minute video of Deaf student sharing her own experience at George Brown College