Literacy Week is coming!


January 20-24 is Literacy Week! 

reading Jan 2014Our theme is: READING OPENS DOORS!

School wide DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) every day!

Monday: School Wide assembly including recognition of our Reading Club and Reader’s Theatre presentations by staff and students!

Tuesday: Dress up as your favourite character from a children’s book!

Wednesday: Guest readers visit our school including Burnaby’s Superintendent of Schools, Kevin Kaardal, and our MLA, Raj Chouhan!

Thursday: Literacy Day.  Celebrating literacy across the curriculum all day!

Friday: School Wide assembly with Reader’s Theatre and DEAR!


Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!  I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing break.

News for the New Year:100

Reading Club: December 31st marked 100 nights of reading.  Please return your orange forms ASAP and pick up your new blue 150 nights forms.  We will have an assembly on Jan. 20th to recognize the reading club and, of course, give away some great books.

scareLiteracy Week: Jan 20-24 we will be celebrating literacy week at our school.  Special events include a “Dress up as your favourite character from a book day” on Tuesday, Jan 21st.  Guest readers on Wednesday, Jan. 22nd. Book trivia will happen throughout the week with prizes for students.  Stay tuned for more details!


New class blog:  I would like to welcome Mrs. March and Division 6 to the blogging world.  Check out their blog here.  I look forward to reading all about the great things they learn in their classroom.

Looking forward to a great new year filled with great books!



And the winner is…

stamp collector

The Stamp Collector is the Canadian Picture Book of the Year for South Slope.  Divisions 6,7 and 8 have chosen this visually stunning and moving tribute to the power of stories as this year’s winner.  It was a surprise win for me as it is the most serious of the books nominated.  Thanks to everyone who participated.  Check out the comments for all the books on the hallway display.

Happy holidays everyone!  See you in the new year!

Red Cedar and YRCA titles released!

This year the students in Grades 4-7 have some great titles to choose from for the Red Cedar and YRCA (Young Readers’ Choice Awards).

Nominees for the YRCA Junior Division grades 4-6:
[metaslider id=1144]

Nominess for the YRCA Intermediate Division grades 7-9:
[metaslider id=1208]

Red Cedar Non Fiction and Fiction Nominees:

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For more information about Red Cedar click here and for more information about YRCA click here.

October is Canadian Library Month!

2013 banner

Help celebrate Canadian Library month at our school by visiting the school library.  We are open Mon -Thurs 8:45-3:15.  We are closed for lunch, but open at recess 1:45-2pm.

You can also join us for Drop Everything and Read Day on October 28th at 12:15.  Wear your pajamas and we’ll all cuddle up with a good book.

See you then!


International Dot Day

We are celebrating International Dot Day this week!  We are among over 1,000,000 participants around the world.  All classes have been invited to read The Dot by Peter Reynolds, a great book “celebrating courage and creativity”.  After reading the book, students are asked to create their own mark on a dot and place it on the giant dot we have on the library doors.

This is what the dot looked like on Monday:









And this is what it looks like today:










And here is the final product!






Book Fair in the library!

The Scholastic Book Fair is being held in the library this week until Thursday.  It will be open at lunch and after school.  On Thursday we will stay open until intake interviews finish at 8pm.  Some classes have come in to preview the fair and it has been a joy to watch them get excited about all the new books. 

We still need a few parent volunteers for Thursday.  Please come and see me if you are available.

 book fair1

Welcome back!

September News from the Library:

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a wonderful summer and read some great books. I know I did!

The library program has some exciting opportunities in store for your child this year:
• Our curriculum will be promoting the very best of children’s literature to your child with activities designed to help students enjoy the stories even more.
• We will be doing our very best to get (or keep) your children “hooked on reading” by recommending specific reading materials to each individual.
• At each grade level, students will be learning information literacy skills specifically suited to their developmental needs.
• The iPads will continue to be used for learning and exciting new projects!
• We have a lot of special events being planned: author visits, DEAR day, book fairs, Literacy Week, the home reading club, and more!
• If you would like to volunteer to help in the library, please let me know. We’d love to have you.
Upcoming events:

Sept 16- 20: The Scholastic Book Fair is back! Come and check out some great books before or after you visit with your child’s teacher that week. We really need parent volunteers. Please sign up in the hallway just outside the library doors or come and see me.

Sept. 23- Home Reading Club begins! Last year we read to the moon. Stay tuned for more details about our goal this year.

Oct. 28- D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything and Read) Day. Join us as we celebrate reading school wide.

Check out the library blog for more information and updates throughout the year. You can access it from the school website under the library tab or go to:
Use your smartphone to find us too! (A great app for scanning QR codes is i-nigma)

Questions? Comments? Please come and see me in the library. I’m looking forward to an exciting year!

Mrs. Araujo
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” Dr. Seuss I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!

Thank you!

Check out this fantastic photo created by one of our staff members, Shelly Leroux. The hands are from Division 8. Can you recognize anyone?






Thank you to everyone for a fantastic year! See you in September!