Welcome to the Reading Club! Every student and staff member at South Slope/ BCSD is automatically a member of the club. This year we want to put the focus on community and recognition.
When your child student completes their reading record form, s/h
e returns the form to school and receives a new form. Students will be recognized individually on a bulletin board in the school and as a group at our Celebration of Learning assemblies. Students who complete 250 nights of reading before the end of June will have a book dedicated to them and placed in our school library.
Our community goal is to “Read Around the World”. 50 nights of reading will equal 50 kilometres. The more students and staff who participate; the farther we will travel. We will have a school-wide celebration to celebrate how far we travel!.

Parents can help by encouraging their child to read every night (or be read to) for a minimum of 15 minutes and then sign the reading record form.
Thank you for helping your child develop a lifetime habit of reading! Please come and see me in the library if you have any questions or comments.
Mrs. Araujo