Regardless if you’re working on a school website or a blog (class, department), the WordPress platform is used.
Quick Start Guide (simple steps) (*2022 01 04)
Quick TIPS – Using your blog (2020 04 01)
How to Add Subscribers using Email Post plugin (2022 06 28)
How To EMBED Media (from YouTube) (2020 04 10)
Guidelines for Using Social Media (a good reminder)
IMAGES/VIDEO/AUDIO (*Crop, *Compress, and more…)
- IMAGES (compress to web quality 640 x 480 pixels) – Using IrfanView Image Editor
- VIDEO/AUDIO (compression) –Using AnyVideo Converter; Using idevice apps
Using TablePress (school websites) to edit tables:
Take it to Next Level 
- Grid theme? Use the Feature Image to ensure continuity of grid
- Want a single Calendar using O365 OneDrive
- Custom Menus: Create your own page menus, custom widgets (special categories, links, posts)
- Embed Content: Embed content from Youtube, Wakelet, Edu-Symbaloo, Padlet walls…
- Add a Twitter Feed or Profile – get your widget at; APPEARANCE > WIDGET
Students as Bloggers – Voice and Choice

- Student Guidelines for Using Social Media (*great one to discuss digital citizenship)
- Roles – What do they mean