Summer Reading Suggestions

Looking for some suggestions for summer reading…

Canadian Children’s Book Centre Summer Reading

ALSC Summer Reading Lists 2016       

Burnaby Public Library Recommended Reading

100 Best Canadian Books for Children

Want to try some online reading on your home computer, tablet or ipod?

International Children’s Digital Library

Storyline Online

Tumblebooks and BookFlix are also great online reading resources available through the BPL databases.

Any questions?  Please come and see Mrs. Araujo in the library.  I would be happy to help you.

Aboriginal Stories

During the month of May we have been reading Aborginal stories in the library.

Some classes have been reading books by author/illustrator Julie Flett. We have noticed her use of the colour red and other earth toned colours.  We also noticed how her books make us feel peaceful and happy. We have learned a few new words and phrases in Michif and Cree.

Other classes have been reading new books like Taan’s Moons by Alison Gear. We loved the amazing felt artwork created by Kiki van der Heiden and students from various schools on Haida Gwaii.

Finally some classes have enjoyed reading Orca Chief, Raven Brings the Light and Cloudwalker by Roy Henry Vickers and Robert Budd.  We are amazed at the beautiful paintings and enjoy trying to find the hidden clues in each illustration.

Come and check out these amazing stories any time from the library.




Our district has recently been given a trial subscription to the online reading site, Tumblebooks.  All the South Slope primary classes have visited the computer lab to learn how to access this site. We have also sent home notices to let families know how to access Tumblebooks at home.

Tumblebooks has many benefits for readers, including English Language Learners.  Listening to reading is one of the best ways for students to develop comprehension, fluency and, most importantly, experience the joy of reading.

Please see me in the library if you have any questions or comments.

Here is a quick video created by Ms. Shuster about Division 9’s experience:

Tumblebooks Listen to Reading from Lindsay on Vimeo.




Poem in your pocket day

We have celebrating poetry in the library and in the school during the month of April.  Today was a very special day: Poem in your pocket day.  Everyone was invited to put a poem in their pocket to share with someone else.  Today classes shared their poems with each other, their buddy classes and more.

Poem in your pocket

Some classes also went to David Grey Park to share their poems there.  Click here to see a great video on Ms. Shuster’s blog about our day.

We have lots of great poetry books in the library.  Come and check one out any time.  Here are a few of the new books we have that celebrate the great art of poetry.



Reading Club reaches 150 Nights!

  On Monday at our assembly we recognized 150 students and staff for their participation in our home reading club.  Congratulations everyone!  We also gave away books to some lucky winners.  We will reach our next milestone of 200 nights on April 14th. 
I hope everyone enjoys a restful and rejuvenating spring break.  I know I’m looking forward to reading lots of great books.  I hope you are, too! 

Happy Love Your School Library Day!

We all know February 14th is Valentines Day, but did you know it is also Love Your School Library Day?  This week I invited our school to share what they love about our library.  

  What do I love about our library?

  • I love it when students rush to choose books after my book talks.
  • I love it when someone finds just the book they were looking for.
  • I love it when students put books on hold because they just can’t wait to read them.
  • I love it when classes are reading in the library and they don’t want to leave. Sorry teachers. 
  • I love it when someone comes to share a book they’ve written and wants to add it to our student author basket.
  • I love it when we’re in the middle of an inquiry project and the students are so excited about learning.
  • I love it when I have to tell my library monitors to stop reading and get back to work.
  • I love my parent volunteers who make everything run smoothly.  Thank you!
  • I love that this list could go on forever.
  • I love being the teacher librarian at South Slope/BCSD!

Happy Love Your School Library Day! Please come and visit to find a book you’ll love.

Mystery Readers

During Literacy Week many staff and students dressed up as their favourite character from a book.  Can you guess who these mystery readers are?


Guest readers and ASL Storytellers 

Today we had some very special guests visited South Slope/BCSD.  Guest readers and storytellers visited all of the classes in the school. This event is part of many exciting literacy week activities taking part at our school.  Thanks to all of our guests for your time and commitment to literacy.

Our ASL storytellers were:  Eileen Edgar, Hester Hussey, Joanne Robinson, Leila Fredland and Terry Maloney.

Guest Readers:  M. Vlasic, Peter Dubinsky, Constable Yip, Raj Chouhan, Ron Hall, Heather Hart, Patricia Finlay, Kim Pearson, Kim Block and Ben Pare.