Writer’s Festival comes to South Slope/BCSD!

I am excited to announce that author and cartoonist, Scott Chantler, will be visting South Slope/BCSD on October 16th as part of the Vancouver International Writer’s Festival.  Mr. Chantler is the author of the graphic novel series Three Thieves and has received many awards for his work. We have Tower of Treasure and The Sign of the Black Rock in our library and I just purchased his latest book, The Captive Prince.

Click here to visit his website and learn more about this amazing cartoonist. 

Let’s Read to the Moon!

Reading Club begins Monday, September 24th.  This year we are going to try and read to the moon!  Students should have received their forms from their classroom teacher.  You can also pick one up from the library.

Happy reading everyone!Rocket to moon

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
― Dr. Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!


Scholastic Book Fair is here!!!

The Scholastic Book Fair is back!  Visit Room 211 this week to check out some great new books.  The fair is open at lunch and after school Monday-Thursday. We are also open late on Tuesday and Thursday so you can come and visit the fair before or after your visit with your child’s teacher.  The proceeds will be used to purchase new resources for the school library. 

Parent volunteers are still needed.  Please come and see Mrs. Araujo in the library to sign up.  Thank you for your support!

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

candlewick we believe in picture books News Bites: Join Candlewicks We Believe in Picture Books CampaignPicture books: On August 31, Candlewick launched a yearlong video celebration of picture books in honor of their 20th anniversary. Every day for 365 days, as part of the We Believe in Picture Books campaign, Candlewick will offer a video shot by authors, illustrators, staff, and friends, sharing what picture books mean to them, recommending a favorite story, and more….You can also submit your own video to the publisher in which you informally talk about your favorite picture book, what the format means to you, or why it matters.

From http://www.slj.com/2012/09/industry-news/news-bites-join-candlewicks-we-believe-in-picture-books-campaign/

Check out this great video I saw on 100scopenotes.com:


Welcome back!


Welcome back! I hope everyone had a wonderful summer.

The library program has some exciting opportunities in store for your child this year:

  • Our curriculum will be promoting the very best of children’s literature to your child with activities designed to help students enjoy the stories even more.
  • We will be doing our very best to get (or keep) your children “hooked on reading” by recommending specific reading materials to each individual.
  • At each grade level, students will be learning information literacy skills specifically suited to their developmental needs.
  • The new iPads in the library will be available for classroom use!
  • We have a lot of special events being planned, author visits, book fairs, the home reading club, and more!
  • If you would like to volunteer to help in the library, please let me know. We’d love to have you.

Upcoming events:
Sept 17-20: The Scholastic Book Fair is back!  Come and check out some great books before or after you visit with your child’s teacher that week.
Sept. 24- Home Reading Club begins.  Last year we read around the world.  Where can we read to this year?   Stay tuned for more details.

Questions? Comments? Please come and see me in the library Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. I welcome your thoughts on the blog as well.

I’m looking forward to an exciting year!

Mrs. Araujo 🙂

Brian Deines was here!

Brian Deines' Books

On May 10th South Slope/BCSD

Student art work inspired by Brian Deines

hosted illustrator Brian Deines as part of TD Canadian Children’s Book Week.  He shared many stories with us and brought some of his original oil paintings, too.  Students asked him many questions about his work and his life as an artist.  They also waited patiently for his autograph at the end of the day. He enjoyed his visit and we loved having him.

Come and check out the library gallery for student art work inspired by Brian Deines’ books.

Looking closely at Brian Deines' paintings


Talking to the students
Autographs for the fans


Illustrator Visit May 10th

On Thursday, May 10th we will be hosting illustrator Brian Deines as part of TD Canadian Children’s Book Week (http://www.bookweek.ca/). Mr. Deines will be giving 4 presentations to our students throughout the day.  In the weeks leading up to the event students are reading books he has illustrated during their library times and in their classrooms.  In some classes, students are responding to his books with art of their own. For more information on the presentation, please go to:http://www.bookweek.ca/authors/brian-deines

Some of Brian Deines books include:


Reading Club reaches 200 nights!

April 12th marks 200 nights of reading!

Staff and students may hand in their pink 200 nights forms into the library and pick up their new blue 250 nights form from the library door.  
Thank you to all of you who are participating and encouraging students to participate.  As of March 14th we had travelled 25400km! We just need to read across the Pacific Ocean and we will have read around the world!!!

As we didn’t have our regular assembly in March, here are the book draw winners for 150 nights of reading.  They may come to the library on Monday to choose their books.

Teacher winner: Marilyn

BCSD student: Marissa

Intermediates South Slope:
Brooklyn 1
Lirukshman 1
Joash 2
Emma 3
Andy 4
Shannon 5

Primaries South Slope:

Syzmon 10
Kihan 9
Spike 8
Iris 7
Reya 6
Cole 5

YRCA voting is on now!

Voting for the YRCA novels has begun. All intermediate classes received ballots last week and they are due Wed. April 11th. Congratulations to Connor from Div.4 for being the first to vote!
I wonder which books will be the winners….
Check out the YRCA page for more information on all the books.