Michael Kusugak was here!

Today we had the pleasure of hosting Inuit author and storyteller, Michael Kusugak. He had two one hour sessions with primary students from BCSD and South Slope. We were thoroughly entertained by his humorous and relaxed storytelling. Michael told us that his last name, Kusugak, means icicle and his middle name, Arvaarluk, means baby bowhead whale.  We also learned we knew a few words in Inuktitut like igloo and kayak. He even did a bit of magic and storytelling with just a simple piece of string. While telling the story of The Littlest Sled Dog Michael began singing “Somewhere over the rainbow”, the students joined in and the library was filled with beautiful voices.  At the end of each session, three lucky students won signed copies of his books.  We hope he had as much fun as we did!

M Kusugak 02252015M Kusugak

You can check out his books from the library any time!



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