What did we do during Literacy Week? At our assembly on Monday, January 19th, we were treated to two special Readers’ Theatre performances. BCSD students performed Pop, Poppity, Pop! Then the South Slope staff performed Tacky the Penguin. What’s happening?!
On Wednesday, we had special guest readers and ASL storytellers for every classroom from the Burnaby School district and the community. Our guests included Kevin Kaardal, Superintendent of Burnaby Schools, Councillor Nick Volkow, City ofBurnaby, and Raj Chouhan, MLA for Burnaby-Edmonds.
On Thursday everyone was invited to dress up as their favourite character from a book. Can you guess who these staff and students are?
We also had book trivia with prizes all week long.
All week classes read and created responses to Quest by Aaron Becker. Our essential question was, “What is your Quest?” Check out some of the student responses:
Do you have a favourite book that changed you or took you on an incredible adventure? I’d love to read your responses on the blog or come and talk to me in the library.
Upcoming Events: In February, Inuit author and storyteller, Michael Kusugak, will be visiting our school. He will be telling stories to our primary students. Stay tuned for more details!