Welcome back to another exciting school year! I hope you all had a wonderful summer and read some great books. Here is some of the reading I did:

The library program has some exciting opportunities in store for your child this year:
• Our curriculum will be promoting the very best of children’s literature to your child with activities designed to help students enjoy the stories even more.
• We will be doing our very best to get (or keep) your children “hooked on reading” by recommending specific reading materials to each individual.
• At each grade level, students will be learning information literacy skills specifically suited to their developmental needs.
• The iPads will continue to be used for learning and exciting new projects! We have 24 iPads for students to use.
• We have a lot of special events being planned: author visits, DEAR day, book fairs, Literacy Week, the home reading club, and more!
• If you would like to volunteer to help in the library, please let me know. We’d love to have you.
Upcoming Events:
Scholastic Book Fair: Monday, September 21st until thursday, September 24th. Parent volunteers are needed. Please see me in the library or look for the sign up sheet on the library bulletin board soon.
Reading Club: Our reading club begins again on September 28th. Notices will go home the week prior. I encourage all families to make reading for pleasure a part of your day, every day.
Check out the library blog for more information and updates throughout the year. You can access it from the school website under the library tab or go to: http://goo.gl/PPPXu
Use your smartphone to find us too! (A great app for scanning QR codes is i-nigma)

Questions? Comments? Please come and see me in the library. I’m looking forward to an exciting year!
Mrs. Araujo
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” Dr. Seuss I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!