IRA Conference 2014

Hello everyone!  I am in New Orleans at the International Reading Conference.  Today I’m learning a lot about meaningfully integrating technology into teaching and learning.  There has also been a lot of information on inquiry as well.

A couple of quotes from the day:

“Collaboration leads to friendly controversy” Amber White

“What brings meaning to reading? How can technology enrich that meaning both online and off?” Larissa Pahamov

Fun new tech tools I want to try:


Kaizena (Google drive add on)


Got caught in a rainstorm on the way back from dinner. Very funny!



Reading Buddies at BPL this summer

Reading Buddies at McGill and Metrotown Libraries this summer!

Would you like your child to have more reading practice this summer? Will your child be in grade 2, 3 or 4 this September?
This summer, Burnaby Public Library will be running two five-week long Reading Buddies programs. For more information, contact the Bob Prittie Metrotown Branch (604-436-5420) or the McGill Branch (604-299-8955). Or visit us online at Registration begins May 30th.


May is Deaf Awareness Month!

May is Deaf Awareness Month! To kick off the month, Sean Forbes visited our school on April 30th and May 1st. On April 30th Sean gave a presentation to BCSD in the library. He talked about growing up deaf in a family of musicians. Being a musician was the only dream he ever had and so, even though he was told he couldn’t because he was deaf, he worked hard to fulfill his dream. He inspired all of us to never give up on our dreams and not let anything, including being deaf or hard of hearing, get in our way.









On Thursday he and his band performed for our whole school.  It was loud and lots of fun!









BCSD has many other great things planned for the month. Stay tuned!

For more information about Sean click here.

What a week!

It was a busy week in the library.  We had our Scholastic Book Fair all week.  I hope you had a chance to visit and find a great new read. Thank you to all the parent and staff volunteers who helped make it a success.


We also had student led conferences on Wednesday and Thursday.  Many students came to the library to show their families our school iPads.  They shared imovies, ebooks, Haiku Deck poems and more!


Happy Easter and Happy reading!

Hope everyone is having a great long weekend.  Just thinking about my favourite read alouds from last week.

The first one was If not for the cat by Jack Pretlusky.  The clever book of haiku poetry provided many classes with riddles to solve and syllables to clap.









Next was another hilarious book from Jan Thomas, The Easter Bunny’s Assistant. Skunk’s “exciting” antics made everyone giggle- a lot!










See everyone on Tuesday when the book fair opens in the library!


Reading club reaches 200 nights tonight!

It’s hard to believe, but we’ve reached 200 nights of reading!  Please bring your forms to the library and pick up your new 250 night forms.  Reading club members will be recognized at our next assembly on April 29th.  Don’t forget that everyone who hands in their form is entered to win in the book draws!

What am I reading tonight?  I bought a new book for the library called The Copernicus Legacy by Tony Abbott.  It’s a thrilling adventure where four children set off around the world to solve a mystery.  I can’t wait to find out what happens next.  My goal is to finish it this weekend so I can bring it to school Monday for one of you!


Poetry here, poetry there, poetry everywhere!

imageApril is poetry month and we’ve been having lots of fun with poetry in the library this past week.  Students have been reading poetry and talking about what they notice.

Divisions 5 and 16 read many different poetry books and marked their favourites with a post it.  They then passed the book to a friend so they could read the poems they chose and maybe find one or two of their own.  Here are some of the things they noticed about the poems they read.

We also explored a great poetry web site. has some great resources including videos of poems.  We watched some in the library.My favourite was “Daffodils” by William Wordsworth

After divisions 7 and 8 listened to this poem with their ears and their hearts, we wrote our own poems using what we had heard and what words or phrases were most powerful for us.  Here are our poems:



The Art of Clean Up

Do you like things neat and organized or random and messy? Would you like your alphabet soup sorted by letter in your bowl or your laundry sorted by colour? This week Division 20 read a great new book called The Art of Clean up by Ursus Wehrli.







Afterwards we had fun sorting our own collections In a variety of ways.
