Scholastic Book Fair is coming!

Next week, September 17-20, the Scholastic Book Fair will be coming to the library. We hope you will visit and find a great book and support our school library. 60% of book sales go towards new resources for the library! Parent volunteers are needed. Please see Mrs. Araujo in the library and/or check the sign up sheet in the hall just outside the library.

Book Fair Hours:

Monday 11:45 – 12:15pm, Recess and 3:00 – 3:30pm

Tuesday 11:45 – 12:15pm, 1:45 – 5pm

Wednesday 11:45 – 12:15pm, 2:00 – 2:30pm
Thursday 11:45 – 12:15pm, 1:45 – 5:00pm, 6:00 – 7:00pm

New library header!

Check out our new library header!  It was created by Phoebe Qian, one of our Grade 7 students who will be heading off to high school in the fall.  As you can see she is extremely talented and we wish her all the best.  I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of Phoebe and her artwork in the future.  

Summer Reading Club

Help your child succeed in school! Join the Summer Reading Club at your local public library.Registration starts Friday, June 15 and continues until the middle of July.

Click here for more information.

Check out the ASL welcome to Summer Reading below.

June Announcements

On June 2nd we reached 250 nights of reading.  Please hand in your forms to the library ASAP.  Those students who completed 250 nights will choose a book in the library and put their name in it.  Congratulations to everyone who participated in the Reading Club this year. You will be recognized at our assembly June 2oth.

Next year there will be some changes and new ways to celebrate and support families with reading.  Looking forward to it! 

All Library Books are due June 11th! Please return your books as soon as possible.  The library will re-open in September for book exchange. 






Don’t forget that reading doesn’t stop in the summer.  Do you have a public library card? Please see Mrs. Araujo if you have any questions or just go into any public library and sign up. It’s free!!! Stay tuned for more information about the Summer Reading Club at BPL!

Scholastic Book Fair Feb 19-22

The Scholastic Book Fair will be back Feb.19-Feb.22 and will be open during student led conferences on Thursday. Parent volunteers are needed! Please sign up on the sheet outside the library or speak to Mrs. Araujo.  

Come and visit the fair to find a great read and support your school library!

Literacy Week 2018

Literacy Week January 22nd-26th : What did we do during Literacy Week?

We started things off at our assembly on Monday. We were treated to a special Readers’ Theatre performance by the South Slope staff who performed The Little Red Hen.

Our school-wide read this year was Draw the Line by Kathryn Otoshi. Many classes also read her other books One, Two and Zero in the library.  Students made many connections to Otoshi’s messages about tolerance, acceptance and friendship.  All week classes read and responded to Draw the line in the library and in classrooms. Have a look around the school to see what’s been happening.

On Tuesday the fun continued with the Book Swap. Thank you to everyone who donated a book or more!

On Wednesday everyone was invited to dress up.  Some of us dressed up as their favourite character from a book and others wore t-shirts we could read.

On Thursday, we had special guest readers and ASL storytellers for every classroom from the Burnaby School district and the community. Guest Readers: Gordon Li, Tanis Anderson, Pietro Calendino, Patricia Finlay, Raj Chouhan, Victoria Lee, Shirley March and the Burnaby Fire Department.  ASL Storytellers: Dorothy Crombie, Peggy Fee, and Eileen Edgar.

Throughout the week there was Book Trivia and Drop Everything and Read (DEAR).

Finally, we had PJ Day and a wrap up assembly on Friday. BCSD Staff performed One by Kathryn Otoshi.  Our leadership students performed their own reader’s theatre of Little Red Riding Hood.  Division 15 from BCSD also shared a great movie they made retelling Draw the Line in ASL. Finally, we also watched a short slideshow of the week’s events.

What a great week! Thanks so much, everyone!

Canadian Picture Book of the Year

For the past few weeks several classes have been reading some fabulous Canadian picture books.  The books were chosen from the nominees for the Marilyn Baillee Picture Book of the Year as well as the Governor General’s Literary Awards nominees.  We created criteria to help us decide on what makes a great picture book. Then we read a different book each week and discussed how the book met the criteria for us.  Finally we will vote on our favourite.

Stay tuned for the announcement of the winner! 


Author Shane Peacock visits South Slope/ BCSD

On October 30th author Shane Peacock visited our school. He told us that as a young child he didn’t really like to read, but he loved stories. He told us to read what we’re interested in and also write what we’re interested in.  We also learned about an amazing Canadian, The Great Farini, and how he crossed Niagara Falls. Mr. Peacock read his picture book, The Artist and Me, to some of the classes.  He also read from Death in the Air, the second in the Boy Sherlock Holmes series, and left us wanting to hear more. Come and check out his books from the library!

DEAR Day Success!

What a great day we had: pajamas, stuffed animals and reading! Thanks to everyone for participating.  Reading is a beautiful thing!