Author visit with Lana Button

Yesterday Canadian author Lana Button visited our school.  She shared her writing process with us and read us three of her amazing books.  She reminded us that reading and writing can be a way to inspire and entertain  yourself.  One of her important messages was that kids are strong and resilient and they can do hard things.  We were reminded to “take a brave breath and look around” if we’re feeling alone or scared.   At the end of her presentation, five lucky students won copies of her books.  She autographed them, too! Thank you so much to our PAC who paid for her visit and the book prizes.

Help your child succeed in school and life… Join the Summer Reading Club at Burnaby Public Library. Children who read over the summer do better in school, and Burnaby Public Library is here to help. Children can pick up a free kit at any library location to track their reading, or sign up online at Choose a personal reading goal together, and then read anything, any way, anywhere, and in any language. Being read to is OK and it counts. Siblings and friends who are not in school yet can also join – it’s open to children of all ages!

At the end of the summer your child will get a Summer Reading Club medal! 

During the summer, the library offers a fun and welcoming place to be. Ask us about our fun activities to do this summer.

Registration starts Monday, June 12th and continues throughout July.

 Need reading ideas? Have questions? Let’s talk! Call 604-436-5400 or email This video ( has tips for reading with kids to get you started.

Click here for information about the BC Summer Reading Club and watch the video below for an ASL welcome to the BC SRC.

Congratulations Battle of the Books Team!

Congratulations to our South Slope Team who won second place at the South Zone finals of the Battle of the Books on Tuesday, May 2nd! These grade 6/7 students were part of a lunch time club that has been meeting once a week since Spring Break.  Students read as many of the 10 books as they could (some even read all 10!) and then we “battled” each week with trivia questions about the books.  The team was made up of students who both wanted to go to the battle and who had read the most books. Ten schools participated in the South Zone finals at Taylor Park Elementary.  They were asked forty tough questions and answered 27 correctly to place second! The winning school was Taylor Park with 31 correct answers- we weren’t far behind.  Thank you to our PAC for purchasing books for this club.  We can’t wait for next year!

Thank you!

Thank you to the South Slope/BCSD community for making our Scholastic Book Fair such a great success.  We earned just over $2800 in rewards that we can use for the library! Amazing! A very big thank you also to the students and staff who volunteered their time. I couldn’t do it without you.


I Read Canadian Day

November 2nd is I Read Canadian Day! It has been officially proclaimed by the City of Burnaby and will be recognized throughout the country.

We will be reading Canadian books in the library and in our classrooms to celebrate.  Students are also invited to check Canadian books out from the library this week and every week.  There are so many to choose from!

Welcome back!

Welcome back! I hope you all had a great summer.  This summer I spent a lot of time in the garden and have lately been enjoying some of my delicious tomatoes!

Another highlight this summer was our family trip to Mexico.  We watched baby sea turtles hatch on the beach and make their way to the ocean.


And then the next night during dinner, a mama sea turtle came up to the beach and laid 97 eggs! It was awe inspiriing. In the morning we found her tracks in the sand.

And, of course, I did a lot of reading.  I found myself really enjoying mysteries this summer and some new graphic novels, too.







I’m looking forward to seeing you all next week and finding out what you did this summer.  What was your favourite read? What wishes do you have for reading and the library this year? What do you want to learn? What do you wonder about? The library and I are here for you.  Can’t wait to see what we  discover together and the stories we tell.