It’s hard to believe, but we’ve almost completed 50 nights of reading.
After November 14th you can drop off your yellow forms in the library and pick up your new orange form for 100 nights.
Students’ names will be posted on the bulletin board across from the library and beside the lunch room. We will recognize the Reading Club as a group at the assembly on Nov. 28th. There will also be a draw for some great books for some lucky readers!
Thank you to parents for helping your child develop a lifetime habit of reading.
How far do you think we’ve traveled? Remember that 50 nights = 50 km. Every student or staff member who completed a form would count as 50 km. Post your answer here and the closest estimate will win a prize at the assembly. Please include your first name and division in your comment.
I think the answer is 13 500 km
this one was a mistake
I’m not sure which is your answer, Alysha. 12000 or 13500?
I think the answer is 12 000
this is my actual answer
I think we reach about 20,500km
Thanks for your estimate, Sean. We’ll find out on Monday at the assembly.
I think it’s 15,000
Check the bulletin board, Ann. I hope we will get to 15,000 by 100 nights!
Thanks for posting