With the many demands on a teacher’s time, what would make a person want to blog? Yes we know all about how a blog or what I prefer to say, “a web presence”, can communicate. That is what a blog can do. However this is too simple of an answer.
Here is my current short list of what I think of blogging… Perhaps you have others.
- global connector to extend classroom activities and learning to the world
- breaks down walls to invite the world into the classroom (including scientists, mathematicians, artists, entrepreneurs…)
- connects visible learning moments for parents (yes, it’s automatic – delivery service to their phones or whatever device they use)
- creates a place for students to share their story and practice digital citizenship in an authentic environment (positive digital footprint)
- values the student in owning their voice and story (“They matter… one person can change the world.”)
- creates an environment for students to push their thinking
- inclusive of every learner through visual, audio, video, text (“It’s not just words.”)
- share curricular learning journeys and stories that can be discussed at home
- gives opportunities for creativity, exploration and pose/answer the questions that truly matter
- allows learning to be captured, annotated and reflected upon (“Tell our collective story.”)
- create opportunities for teachers to engage in capturing formative assessment information
- allows embedding of content from multiple places (“connecting the pieces”)
- extend classroom notes and links, criteria reminders, memory joggers (honouring parents/teachers/students time)
- continues the conversation of learning as never ending, always moving through building a community of practice
- access, access, access… anytime anywhere any device
Maybe the bigger question is, do you have a web presence? If you would like to start a blog, contact any member of our Learning Technologies team or go straight to our FORMS/APPLY page to begin the process.
HI Janet.
These are powerful reasons to blog. Your blog demonstrates why each is important too–for your growth and development and other teachers. I have found many teachers hesitate to start–they don’t feel that what they have to say matters. The “blog” “puts ourselves out there”–and that’s scary. I wonder if the practice could become more normalized… #sunchatbloggers
Hi Gillian
Thanks for your thoughts. Agreed. Interestingly we support the notion of voice matters. When we allow others to see that voice or when we “notice” that voice in class we give it a sense of importance. I wonder if that happens very often. With the revised curriculum in our province, there is a focus on empowering story and voice. I’m excited to see what will happen as this unfolds over the next years.