Oct. 3, 2018
Good morning, Div. 2. Please think about yourself as a reader and then complete the survey below.
After you have submitted your survey you are going to write and send a book recommendation.
- Log into the library catalogue and check your history under the “My info” tab.
- Choose a book you have read recently (in the past year) that you would like to recommend to someone in your class.
- Find that book in the catalogue and click on “recommend”
- Find the person or patron to whom you want to recommend a book
- Write your recommendation. 3-4 sentences. Tell a little bit about your book, what kind of book is it. why they would like it. Is it part of a series? Are there other books like it? Do a COPS check. Click on SAVE once you’ve edited in and asked at least one person to read it.
- Some sentence starters you could try: I think you should read this book because… I know you like…so I think this would be a great read for you.
- Be creative and persuade your reader that they must read this book.