UBC: Entry-to-Practice Doctor of Pharmacy Information Evening

Entry-to-Practice Doctor of Pharmacy Information Evening

Date:                     Thursday, June 28, 2018
Time:                    5:30pm-6:30pm
Location:             Pharmaceutical Sciences Building, Room 1201

University of British Columbia, Vancouver Campus, 2405 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3

 For more information and to register for the session, please visit: https://pharmsci.ubc.ca/entry-practice-pharmd-information-sessions   

Interested in Film Making? There is a 2-week summer camp at SFU!

The Indie Filmmakers Lab immerses filmmakers in an environment of creativity and innovation at SFU School for the Contemporary Arts, where they are encouraged to draw inspiration and ideas from art of all kinds – photography, painting, dance, music.  With the support of Lab instructors and SFU artists, they are challenged to push themselves, stretch their minds, and collaborate to realize ideas with a team of peers. Register today!

For info on how to get a bursary for this summer program, go to: http://www.indielab.ca/bursary-application-form/

T: 604-688-8202   E: indielab@thecinematheque.ca  W: indielab.ca

Vancouver Community College Open House – April 25, 2018

VCC’s annual Open House is a chance to browse over 120 programs, explore the campus, and talk to instructors about programs in arts, sciences, certified trades, university transfer, and more.                                                                Guided tours will take place at VCC’s Broadway campus, including:

Free workshops:

  • VCC 101 – first steps to success
  • Money for school – navigating loans and financial aid
  • Salon and spa careers around the world
  • Nursing – which program is right for you?

BCIT INFO SESSION – Wed. February 28th

BCIT is having an open house on Wed. February 28th at its Burnaby Campus, 4:30 – 7:30pm. BCIT has more than 400 program options, so this is a great opportunity to get more info on all the different programs. Don’t miss out! 

UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA – Registration 101 Session in Vancouver

UAlberta will be in Vancouver on Saturday, April 7, 2018 to help students who have received an admission offer prepare for their first year of studies.              Science Session: 9:00am – 11:00am                                                                        General Session: 11:30am – 1:30pm                                                                        RSVP: Students must reserve their seat by completed the RSVP online at uab.ca/reg101 


An advisor from CapU is coming to Moscrop on Thursday, March 8th at lunch to speak to interested Grade 11 and 12 students. There will be a presentation in the library, followed by one-on-one appointments in which students can ask the advisor specific questions about programs of interest. Students do not need to sign up for the lunch-time presentation in the library, but they DO need to sign up for a personal interview. To sign up, do so on the bulletin board inside Student Services (room 317).


Are you interested in pursuing a career in policing, firefighting, being a paramedic or in the armed forces? If so, the Justice Institute of BC offers these programs and many more related to public safety. Sign up in Student Services (room 317) for an upcoming field trip opportunity to the Justice Institute. Deadline to sign up is Friday, Feb. 23 @ 3:00pm.


Interested in attending Concordia University in Montreal? If so, register for the upcoming information session held in Vancouver on February 22, 2018, 6-7pm @ Delta Hotels Vancouver Suites (550 West Hastings St, Vancouver). Family members and friends are welcome. Register at: concordia.ca/CUsoon 


Course Selection presentations for all students in grades 8 to 11 are taking place this week and next. If students have any questions about their course selection for next year, please see a counsellor in Student Services (room 317). The process for course selection is as follows:

  • Complete Course Selection form in full (including parent/guardian signature at bottom)
  • Enter courses online via MyEducation BC. This step must be completed to confirm courses, and before paper copy is handed in.
  • If applying for any honours/application/AP courses, complete extra application form(s) as needed
  • Hand in all forms by deadline set (usually 2 weeks after presentation took place)


For students who are in ELL 1 or ELL 2 this year, counsellors will be distributing course selection forms during  special presentations to ELL classes on February 26 and 27.  The deadline for ELL students to hand in their course selection forms is March 6th. Any questions, please see your counsellor. (Ms. Vancic)




Attention Grade 10, 11 and 12 students interested in the University of Calgary: 

There will be a representative from the U of C coming to Moscrop tomorrow, Tuesday, Feb 6th at lunch, to talk about the university’s different programs, admissions requirements, and more. There is no need to sign up – just come to the library TOMORROW at lunch.