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Mark your calendars so you don’t miss out on CapU’s three-day Explore CapU Virtual Open House on Thursday, November 19 (evening), Friday, November 20 (all day) and Saturday, November 21, 2020 (all day).   
This event is an opportunity for students, parents, high school counsellors and career advisors to attend virtual presentations about CapU’s programs & student services plus meet current students and alumni!
Watch for more details and an opportunity to RSVP for the event in November’s newsletter.

UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY: Admissions and Event Info

Admission Update

UCalgary’s fall 2021 application is now open and we have seen tremendous interest thus far with a 15% increase in Canadian applications! We are also excited to highlight that the first round of offers will be issued in mid-November.

Our COVID-19 Admission Website has recently been updated to highlight information for applicants who apply with or without a provincial final examination as well as important information for schools that have switched to quad-mester/octo-semesters.

We also have published a number of resources to support students with the admission process including a how-to apply document, an instructional video for how to upload their documents (out-of-province only), and instructions on how to change an application after it is submitted.

Prospective Student Events Update

In the next couple of months, we have many opportunities for you to learn more about UCalgary. To highlight these events, we’ve provided digital posters for your schools for our Choose UCalgary Webinars as well as our Faculty Information Night webinars.

To pre-register for these events, please click here.

Lastly, if you or you missed our Virtual Open House, we are pleased to announce that you can still visit our virtual event. It will be available until March 1, 2021.

Our Campus Tour program is also running again with all COVID-19 protocols in place. For students who are unable to join us for an in-person tour, we are also offering a full virtual live campus tour once a month!

To view upcoming tour times, click here.

Student Financial Support Update

UCalgary’s entrance award applications are now open!

The prestige award offers $37,000 – $100,000, applications will be accepted until December 1, 2020.

The high school entrance awards application will be accepted until March 1, 2021. Students must first apply for admission, but do not need to be admitted to apply for awards!

Did you know that over 5 million dollars were awarded to entering students last year?

To view our full Student Financial Aid update, click here.




Please find the details below regarding the upcoming Burnaby/New Westminster School District SFU Virtual Information Session.



No registration is required.

These sessions will be the same, students/parents are encouraged to attend the session that works best for their schedule.

During this time we will review admission requirements, application process, fees/scholarships, faculty/program options, and more!


We hope you’ve settled into the new school year, and you’re adusting to the new Quarter System of scheduling. Due to the pandemic scheduling protocols, many students didn’t get their first pick of courses this year. We thank everyone for their patience, understanding of the circumstances, and willingness to try new things.

The counselling office is now open. If you have any questions, or if you’d like to book an appointment to speak with your counsellor (virtually or in person), send an email request to your counsellor.

Moscrop’s Counsellors:

A – G:   Yoona Hawkins

H – L:    Olga Vancic    

M – S:   Kevin Tyfting  

T – Z:   Tina Niccoli-Harris


Experience VCC sessions will be recorded and made available for later viewing.

You can register on Eventbrite and access recordings for a limited time.

Did you know?

You can also learn about VCC programs year-round by attending regular information sessions or talking to an advisor.

EMILY CARR: Nov 20th: Virtual Open House!

We will be hosting a Virtual Open House on Nov 20 –

register for our NEWSLETTER for more information on the event and information about upcoming admissions deadlines.

YOU’RE INVITED! The Launch of Simon Fraser University’s World Languages and Literatures Department

Dear Students,
We would like to formally invite you to the launch of SFU’s newest department: World Languages and Literatures (WLL)!
WLL offers an approach to the study of world languages and literature that emphasizes collaboration across linguistic and disciplinary lines.
Through teaching and research, we promote a dynamic and innovative approach to language and literary study that reflects and supports our diverse society.
If you are interested in learning more about the department, please visit:
In light of our new department, WLL is hosting a virtual launch party on Thursday, October 15th, 2020 from 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM on Zoom.
Students, instructors, and supporters (both current and new) are welcome to attend this event. This free event features an exciting look at everything we’re up to at WLL. A new look, exciting courses and programs, opportunities for current and prospective students, and much more!
Some highlights of the event will include: 
– A lecture by and Q &A with our celebrated Writer in Residence, Anosh Irani (with a chance to win signed copies of his book when you register on Eventbrite).
– A look at the nine languages we offer
– The launch of the newest issue of The Lyre, our student led literary magazine
– Event features and announcements from the WLL student union
– An introduction to our latest student opportunity, a language conversation exchange program called Tandem. 
To register online visit:
By registering, you’re entered to win a signed copy of Irani’s book!




Join an information session to learn more about your program of interest.

We are currently holding online Information Sessions on Zoom in order to keep practicing physical distancing.

Don’t see an information session for your program of interest? Not sure where to start? Check out our Program and Course Catalogue to see what Douglas has to offer or contact the Future Students Office to start the conversation and find out more information.

More info at:



Join us at an info session to learn more about specific programs offered at Langara. Have your questions answered about curriculum, cost, and prerequisites. Check the schedule below for upcoming info sessions.

Future international students can join daily online zoom sessions with marketing representatives from the College. These sessions are Monday through Friday, from 1:30 – 3:00 pm.

To join a session, click the link below to enter a waiting room until a representative is available.

More info at…




Would you be interesting in learning more about the SFU School of Criminology?

SFU will be offering a quick presentation via Zoom, showcasing the School of Criminology’s programs and career opportunities to Moscrop students who might be interested.
They will also be available for a Q&A session following the presentation.
Go to the link below to register!



Applications are now open for many BC colleges and universities.
If you’re thinking of applying to a college, either as a first choice or as a back-up plan, they operate on a “First Come – First Served” basis so early application is very important (especially for competitive or limited entry college programs; they fill up fast).
And applying to college early means you secure an earlier course registration date in June/July.
So don’t delay, apply today! It doesn’t take long – just go to this website for more information: .
This website allows you to apply to most public BC institutions.