UBC INFO SESSIONS – November 28, 2015 @ UBC Vancouver Campus

The following information sessions will be held for interested students at the UBC Vancouver campus:

ENGINEERING OPEN HOUSE:  November 28th, 10:00 – 4:00pm @ 2332 Main Mall, Vancouver.  Hear informative presentations, see demonstrations and displays, and participate in lab tours.  To register: http://engineering.ubc.ca/webform/rsvp-open-house-2015

SIGNATURE PROGRAMS – Saturday, November 28th, 10:00am -3:00pm @Robert H. Lee Alumni Centre, 6163 University Blvd, Vancouver. Learn more about UBC’s one-of-a-kind programs, such as the UBC-Sciences Po dual degree, Media Studies, or the interdisciplinary Philosophy/Politics/ Economics degree. For more info and to register: https://account.you.ubc.ca/ubc/events/canada.ezc#vancouver


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