Invitation to SFU Faculty of Environment Dean’s Lecture Series for Teachers, Parents and Students



The Dean from the Faculty of Environment at SFU is hosting an exciting lecture series over the next two months that some of your students, parents and teachers might like to attend.  The topics are both relevant and entertaining, and the evenings will be very informative. 

The series features researchers and practitioners who explore some of the pressing social and ecological challenges we face.  Each talk shares current research and includes perspectives from community members on applying this knowledge to local collaborations and initiatives to motivate change at individual, organizational and political levels. 

The talks take place at SFU Harbour Centre, 515 West Hastings in Room 1900 and start at 7:00 pm.  Attendance is free and open to everyone.

Feb 6  –  7:00 – 8:30pm

The New Power Couple: Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Western Science Unite to Inform Sustainable Management of Clams

Presented by Dana Lepofsky (Archaeology), Q̌íx̌itasu Yímazalas Elroy White (Heiltsuk Nation and SFU alumnus),  Oqwilowgwa Kim Recalma-Clutesi (Qualicum Nation)

Feb 11  –  7:00 – 8:30pm

Climate Emergency:  The Citizen’s Guide to Climate Success

Presented by Mark Jaccard (Resource and Environmental Management) and Matt Horne (City of Vancouver and SFU Alumnus) Note: no reservations requrired.

Feb 20  –  7:00 – 8:30pm

How Red Zones Punish the Poor, Generate Crime, and Break the Law

Presented by Nicholas Blomley (Geography) and Ann Livingston (Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users)

Mar 12  –  7:00 – 8:30pm

Navigating Towards Ecologically Safe and Socially Just Fisheries

Presented by Anne Salomon (SFU Resource and Environmental Science) and Kii’iljuus Barbara J. Wilson (Haida Nation and SFU alumnus)

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