Burnaby North Scholarships

Scholarships, Bursaries, Awards and more!

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AES Scholarships


This scholarship will be awarded on the basis of  character determined by the evaluation of a 500-1000 word essay based on the following question:

When you look back on your life in 30 years, what would it take for you to consider your life successful? What relationships or accomplishments will be important on this journey?

More details can be found here.




Submit essay to:   by email at scholarships@aesengineers.com

There is no application packet for this award. Please do not include your resume at this time. Be sure to include your full name as well as the name of the school you are attending this year and your plans for next year.

Due Date

by EMAIL October 8, 2023.

Loran Award

This is highly prestigious scholarship focuses on character, service, and leadership. Please refer to their website in Procedures for more information. 


The Loran Award is one of the country’s most comprehensive merit-based undergraduate awards, valued at $100,000 over four years. There is a single application process where students apply to a direct pool of applicants.

All successful applicants must be well-rounded students who present a minimum 85% cumulative average and demonstrate character, promise of leadership and strong commitment to service in the community.  Must be a Canadian citizen or have residency status.  This scholarship can only be used for a specific number of Canadian universities.


Renewable for up to four years, with a total value of $100,000, each Loran Award includes:

  • An annual stipend of $10,000
  • A matching tuition waiver from one of 25 partner universities
  • Personal mentorship from a Canadian leader
  • Access to our network and up to $14,000 in funding for summer work experiences in three different sectors
  • An orientation expedition through Algonquin Park
  • Annual retreats and scholar gatherings

Also grants up to 118 finalist and provincial awards to promising candidates who are not selected as Loran Scholars.

Due Date:

Wednesday, October 11th before 8:00pm EST


All eligible students are welcome to apply by filling out the application, uploading a transcript, and naming a reference. There is no limit to the number of students who may apply from a single school.

Visit www.loranaward.ca to complete the application online. NOW OPEN!

Kemper Human Right Education Foundation


This year the Kemper Human Rights Education Foundation (khref.org) is offering prizes of $2000, $750 and $250 to high school students judged to have written the best answers to the question on the flyer below (and attached as a readily reproducible file).  Please inform your students about the contest described by the flyer and encourage them to participate in it. More information about KHREF and the essays of the winners of its contests over the past 20 years may be found on khref.org.

Essay Question:

This year Amina J. Mohammed the Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations noted the world is facing the highest number of violent conflicts since the Second World War; the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin; and in September, Chileans will mark the 50th anniversary of the overthrow of their democratically elected government and the inauguration of the brutal Pinochet dictatorship. Considering these and other matters, if you were asked to give a talk on December 10 marking the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, what would you say about its effectiveness and its value going forward?  Does it need to be revised to achieve its goals, or can it be effective in its current form?  Please support your arguments with scholarly research.


$1000, $2000, and $4000 prizes

Due Date

ONLINE or MAIL by December 10, 2023


1. Essays are due on or before December 10, 2023 (Human Rights Day),
2.  Essays should be approximately 2500 words in length and be submitted as a Microsoft Word attachment to: kemperhumanrights@gmail.comor by regular mail to: KHREF, 184 Fillow Street, Norwalk, CT 06850.
3. Via footnotes and a bibliography indicate the names, titles, year of publication, and page numbers for all references on which it is based,
4. Include a cover page with:  i. the title, ii. author’s name and grade level, ii. name and address of author’s high school, iii.  name of a teacher at the high school and iv. the following statement signed by the teacher: “I teacher’s name, a teacher of [subject] at [name of the essay author’s school] am aware of [author’s name] participation in KHREF essay contest and to the best of my knowledge the essay [s/he] submitted represents [her/his] independent work, iv. the following statement signed by the essay’s author:   My essay is based on the research cited in its footnotes and bibliography and represents my own thoughts on the subject and prior to receiving a prize I agree to participate in a Zoom interview with members of KHREF’s board regarding my essay and, v. the following statement signed by the essay’s author and essay author’s parent or guardian: “I give the Kemper Human Rights Education Foundation permission to publish this essay.”

Scholarship Reporting

It’s not too late to report your offers! At this point it is strictly for reporting purposes. You do not need to fill this form out if you were offered a scholarship at School Leaving ceremonies but please go ahead and tell us the ones we haven’t heard from. All of these offers are confidential unless we approach you. 🙂

École Brantford Elementary Alumni Bursary Award


This spring 2024, the Parent Advisory Council (PAC) at École Brantford Elementary is
offering one $500 alumni bursary award to a student in Burnaby pursuing their
post-secondary education and training.

• Attended École Brantford Elementary School for a minimum of one school year between grades 4 to 7.
• Be eligible to graduate (within the year of application) from a public secondary school in Burnaby School District 41.
• Applied/accepted to a post-secondary institution.
• Demonstrated academic or personal growth, as defined by the applicant, during their secondary studies.
• Require financial support to complete their post-secondary studies.



Due Date

EMAIL by May 17, 2024.

Applicants will get an “Application Received” email within two business days of submitting their application.


Student information: first and last name, secondary school, year(s) they attended École Brantford Elementary, contact information (email and phone number).

• Brief letter of support of their application from a teacher or school staff.
• Description of the following (suggested total of 250 words):

1. Their intended post-secondary program or field of study.
2. Their academic or personal growth, as defined by them, during their secondary studies.
3. Their intended use of the $500 bursary award to pursue their post-secondary

The applications will be reviewed by the PAC executive committee and the student chosen to receive the bursary award will be contacted no later than May 31, 2023 and will be announced on the Brantford PAC website (https://brantfordpac.com). Questions? Please email brantfordPAC@gmail.com


Welcome Grad 2024!

If you are new to this page, welcome! This is where all Burnaby North scholarship details will be posted.

Now is a good time to get familiar with this page and all it has to offer. Start by going through the tabs where you will find information such as how to write and ask for reference letters, filling out a profile of yourself and last year’s scholarship presentation under “Home”. After doing that, you may want to check out how to collect service hours under that tab or the handy “Calendar” tab which is where all the scholarship due dates will be posted. Lastly, if you have questions, you may want to check out the FAQ page any other questions can be directed to Ms. Mihic once school is in session again.

There will also be an ONLINE scholarship general meeting on Thursday, September 21st at 3:45 PM over the grade 12 Teams Link to meeting:


Make sure you are accessing the meeting through your O365 account!

University of Toronto Scholarships


The University of Toronto offers a wide variety of scholarships  to students who demonstrate superior academic performance, original and creative thought, and exceptional performance in a broad context. Some examples of scholarships offered are those demonstrating financial need, claim Indigenous ancestry, international scholars, identify as Black, and out-of-province students. So if you’re intending on going to University of Toronto (currently ranked as #18 in the world and #1 in Canada! ), be sure to check out this list!

Due Dates

Varies but most can be applied for when applying to U of T.

National Scholar Award Application  due October 21, 2021. 


Go to https://future.utoronto.ca/finances/scholarships/?_sft_awards=scholarship-on-admission&_sft_study_levels=undergraduate  to check out the list and details.

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