Scholarships, Bursaries, Awards and more!

Category: Tech Scholarships

Dogwood District / Authority Scholarship

It’s time to start applying for the Dogwood District /Authority which is a scholarship targeted to students seeking a career in the “trades”. Students who have completed a Youth in Trades Program are a natural fit for this scholarship but anyone who fits the criteria can be considered. THERE ARE A LIMITED AMOUNT ADMINISTERED. MAKE SURE YOU APPLY AND APPLY EARLY.
Here are some things to know when filling out the application:
  • Elective areas for completion are: Fine Arts, Indigenous Language and Culture, Applied Skills, Physical Activity, International Languages, Community Service*, Technical and Trades Training.
  • “a minimum 2.5 (“C+”) Grade Point Average (GPA) calculated on the BEST 10 Grade 11 and 12, 4-credit courses including a minimum of four courses (except for Community Service) from their chosen area listed above.  One of the four courses may be Work Experience 12A or B (WEX12A or B) if it is related to the student’s chosen career path.”
  • When filling out the application, the committee is looking for students not necessarily planning on going to a university (but are going to a technical or trade school). Remember this when applying.
  • Since this is a scholarship geared towards the elective areas above, the “chosen career area”, “post-secondary institution” and “program” should reflect that meaning. This is not the scholarship for future doctors, lawyers, or academics. Also, make sure that your “career area” reflects your “elective area” meaning someone who has “Fine Arts” as their elected area will probably be rejected if their career goal is to be an accountant.
  • final decisions are made by a District committee.

31 awards to graduating Burnaby North students @ $1, 250 each if  they are attending a designated post-secondary institution or B.C. authorized trades training provider.

Due Date

IN PAPER to Ms. Mihic by 3pm on May31st.  NOTE: DATE EXTENDED!

  1. Fill out the attached application or pick one up from the scholarship bin outside Student Services.
  2. Print and attach your school transcript.
  3.  Hand in to Ms. Mihic in Student Services or directly to her (room 2121).
Below are also two samples provided for reference.

IF YOU ARE UNSURE OF HOW TO FILL THIS OUT, CONTACT MS. MIHIC  during period 1 in 2nd floor yellow pod breakout room or periods 7 and 8 in Student Services. She will help.

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* Community Service (Volunteer Activity) specific criteria:
  • demonstration of local and global issues and cultural awareness
  • demonstration of extensive involvement in student government/councils
  • demonstration of significant participation and leadership in a service-oriented club
  • community service/volunteer activity hours required over grades 10 – 12 beyond class expectations and course requirements:
  • two leadership course courses with participation in a minimum 200 community service hours or
  • one leadership course with participation in a minimum 300 community service hours or
  • no leadership course with participation in a minimum 400 community service hours
  • Service can be undertaken in and/or outside of school. Work experience hours, if directly related to a service-related career that requires post-secondary training can be included
  • Students must provide evidence of their service in the form of a letter/document outlining dates and hours and a description of duties performed signed by the adult manager or supervisor of the program or organization. Letter should include full contact information of the manager or supervisor.
  • other courses outside of the chosen area (both academic and non-academic) that have a direct and obvious relationship to the chosen elective area may, at the discretion of the committee, be included provided the school does not offer sufficient courses in the specific elective area

Interworld Development Scholarship


Awarded to a graduating student who has demonstrated excellence and achievement in a Youth Train in Trades and Youth Work in Trades program and meets the following eligibility criteria.

To be considered for the award the student must have

  • successfully completed a Youth Train in Trades and Youth Work in Trades program in the Burnaby School District with a high level of effort, determination and integrity
  • successfully completed 120 hours industry-recognized work experience
  • demonstrated a high level of motivation to continue to develop skills and abilities in the chosen profession
  • demonstrated plans to continue in studies in the chosen field at post-secondary or apprenticeship training
  • been nominated for the award by a Youth Train in Trades or Youth Work in Trades program teacher

Consideration is to be given to a student with financial need. The scholarship will be awarded upon proof of registration in a post secondary or apprenticeship trades training program.


$1000 will be awarded to a graduating student from BNSS who meets the above eligibility criteria.

Due Date

To Ms. Mihic (paper or email) by 3pm on FRIDAY, MARCH 15th, 2023 BEFORE 3PM .


Download or pick up a paper form and submit all forms, in order,  to Student Services or email to Ms. Mihic by due date. Refer to “FAQ” tab > “Creating and Combining PDF documents” if you need help combining PDFs.