
Students must have applied to a full time first year technology, technical studies, or trade program (excluding Apprentice) and have a BCIT student number before being considered for an award. Selection is based on demonstrated leadership skills and/or additional responsibilities. Examples are: Leadership training/courses, volunteer and/or community service, work experience, captain/president of sports team or group, involvement in extracurricular activities, plays a major role in supporting their family, financially or otherwise


2 per Burnaby School District student @ $3,000 each to be selected by district panel

Due Date

To Ms. Mihic (paper or email) by 3PM on APRIL 3rd, 2025.


Print or download the pdf application below. All documents including application, personal statement, letter of recommendation, and copy of school transcript combined as one PDF, in order,  (check “FAQ” section on blog for instructions) are due to Ms. Mihic by email or  in STUDENT SERVICES by  Thursday, APRIL 3.

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