Burnaby North Scholarships

Scholarships, Bursaries, Awards and more!

BC Excellence Scholarship


The BC Excellence scholarship is awarded to 55 well-rounded high school graduates who have demonstrated service and leadership, both at school and in their communities, and who show aptitude for and commitment to their chosen career paths. You must be nominated by your secondary school to qualify for this scholarship and each school may nominate one student only.


$5000. Students have five years to redeem their BC Excellence scholarship vouchers; an expiry date is printed on each voucher and extensions are not possible.


Key dates

  • February 3, 2025:  WRITTEN STATEMENT AND RESUME due to Ms. Mihic in Student Services or email by 3pm.

    If selected as the school nominee:
  • February 17, 2025: online applications due by 2:59 pm PST
  • Early June 2025: conditional recipients and their schools notified by email
  • September 2025: conditional recipients checked against eligibility requirements
  • October 2025: paper scholarship vouchers mailed to confirmed recipients

Before starting, review all the details for this process outlined here: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/education-training/k-12/support/scholarships/provincial-scholarships/bc-excellence-scholarships#eligibility-requirements 

Here are the detailed instructions for how to prepare the required information offline:

1.    Written statement

  • Save this written statement template (DOCX) to your computer
  • Write your statement in the template, following the instructions provided
  • Your written statement may build upon a related experience listed in your resume; keep the marking guidelines in mind
  • When you are ready to submit your B.C. Excellence application online, upload your written statement into the online application form where prompted
  • The written statement is worth 60% in the overall assessment of the application; all written statements are assessed, and those assessments are used to shortlist applications

2.   Resume (in mandatory online format)

  • Save the sample of the online application (PDF) to your computer
  • You can reference this as you prepare your information and responses offline
  • The resume is worth 40% in the overall assessment of the application; only resumes from shortlisted applications are reviewed

3.   (IF SELECTED) Nomination form completed by your school 

  • Save this nomination form (PDF) to your computer
  • Ask your principal or school head to sign the form and return it to you
  • Save a digital copy
  • When you are ready to submit your B.C. Excellence application online, upload your signed nomination form where prompted

4.  ​(IF SELECED AS OUR NOMINEE) – Reference letters (2) – ask potential sponsor and teacher referees ahead of time if they can prepare a letter but this will only be necessary if you are selected as our nominee. 

  • Save these reference letter instructions (PDF) to your computer
  • Share the instructions with your two referees and have them return signed letters to you
    • One community-related (such as a community leader, coach, instructor, volunteer supervisor, or employer)
    • One school-related (such as a teacher, counsellor, school principal, or vice-principal)
  • Save digital copies
  • When you are ready to submit your B.C. Excellence application online, upload your two letters into the online application form where prompted
  • The marking team does not mark the reference letters but does consider them when scoring resumes
  • Some referees prefer to submit a letter directly to the Ministry; in this case you must include a brief note (PDF) from the referee in place of the reference letter
    • This brief note must include the referees email address and confirmation that they will provide a reference letter to the ministry by the deadline

City of Burnaby Bursary Award Program

  • Be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of the City of Burnaby;
  • Be in Grade 12 and eligible to graduate (within the year of application) from a public secondary school in Burnaby’s School District
  • Be accepted to a program of studies at a post-secondary institution in Canada, such as universities, community colleges, technical schools – proof of registration in a minimum of three courses in a post-secondary institution shall be required before any bursary award payment is made to a recipient
  • Preference will be given to a student who has participated in a community program prior to graduating and can demonstrate outstanding community involvement and volunteerism; and,
  • Students who demonstrate financial need (family income below $50,000) will be given priority.

$1,000 to a Burnaby North student (each school gets one)

Due Date

To Ms. Mihic (paper or email) by FRIDAY, JANUARY 31st  BEFORE 3PM . Disregard the date on the form.


Download and complete fillable pdf below  or pick up a paper application in Scholarship Applications tray by Student Services entrance and emailed or delivered to Ms. Mihic by the above date.  The school can nominate up to 3 applicant whereupon the City of Burnaby will select a successful applicant and inform them and the school.

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Student Profile 2025

Are you graduating this year and interested in applying for scholarships? Please fill out the form below to inform the scholarship committee. You can update your information at any time. This opportunity is available to Burnaby North students only.

BCSSA Grade 12 Scholarship


The British Columbia School Superintendents Association will award six regional scholarships to students planning to pursue post-secondary studies. Students wishing to be considered for a scholarship must be currently enrolled in their final year of studies at a public secondary school in British Columbia and expected to graduate in June 2022. One winner will be chosen from each of the six BCSSA provincial chapters (Fraser Valley, Kootenay-Boundary, Metro, Vancouver Island, Northern, Thompson-Okanagan and Indigenous).



Due Date

ONLINE by MARCH 3, 2025 before 5 PM


Details and to submit package can be found here: https://bcssa.org/about-us/bcssa-grade-12-scholarship/ 

• A completed application form
• One-page description of how you have made a difference in the life or lives of other (450 words maximum)
• Two letters of reference
• Demonstrated distinctive leadership by providing two examples, including a brief description, this can include an inspirational artifact, a short video, newsletter, photo, story, or other media.
• Copy of the official school transcript of your grades to date
• Proof of application/entry to a post secondary institution (apprenticeship, college, university) Email all documents in
one PDF file

The successful recipients will be notified by their school principal in June.


BCGEU Indigenous Scholarship


Scholarships are funded by the dues of BCGEU members. You are eligible if you are related to a current, retired or deceased BCGEU (BC Government Service and Employees Union) member or staff; and are a  student or prospective post-secondary or higher learning student enrolled, registered or planning to attend an eligible educational institution in 2025.

For the purpose of this scholarship, an Indigenous person (the legal term is Aboriginal person) in Canada, as recognized in the Constitution Act, 1982, is a person who identifies as First Nations (Status/Non-Status), Métis, or Inuit.


multiple @ $2,500 (full-time students) and $1,500 (part-time students)

Due Date

online by midnight Thursday, February 17, 2025.


In addition to applying online here, applicants are asked to submit an essay, video, song or infographic in response to one of three questions:

i. Public protests and counter protests are becoming a more common occurrence in British Columbia. Reflect on an experience that has impacted you. How does it align with your values and that of the labour movement?
ii. Indigenous peoples are the keepers of the land and essential to governing climate change. What does “land back” mean to you? How does that align with the values of the labour movement?
iii. The current state of the world poses many challenges. What inspires you towards making a positive change? How can the BCGEU drive that change?
iv. Communication and outreach methods have evolved greatly. What communication and outreach strategies would you employ to effectively engage our diverse membership base? How would your strategies differ for urban versus rural areas and how do they align with the values of the labour movement?

We encourage you to base your answer on an interview with a BCGEU member, personal experience, or original research.

For more information on application eligibility and to apply for a scholarship, click here.

Scroll to the second have of this page for details: https://www.bcgeu.ca/scholarships

BCGEU Scholarships


Scholarships are funded by the dues of BCGEU members. You are eligible if you are related to a current, retired or deceased BCGEU (BC Government Service and Employees Union) member or staff; and are a  student or prospective post-secondary or higher learning student enrolled, registered or planning to attend an eligible educational institution in 2025.


multiple @ $2,500 (full-time students) and $1,500 (part-time students)

Due Date

online by midnight Thursday, February 17, 2025.


In addition to applying online here, applicants are asked to submit an essay, video, song or infographic in response to one of three questions:

a) Public protests and counter protests are becoming a more common occurrence in British Columbia. Reflect on an experience that has impacted you. How does it align with your values and that of the labour movement? 

b) Indigenous peoples are the keepers of the land and essential to governing climate change. What does “land back” mean to you? How does that align with the values of the labour movement? 

c) The current state of the world poses many challenges. What inspires you towards making a positive change? How can the BCGEU drive that change? 

d) Communication and outreach methods have evolved greatly. What communication and outreach strategies would you employ to effectively engage our diverse membership base? How would your strategies differ for urban versus rural areas and how do they align with the values of the labour movement? 

We encourage you to base your answer on an interview with a BCGEU member, personal experience, or original research.

For more information on application eligibility and to apply for a scholarship, click here.

More details @ https://www.bcgeu.ca/scholarships 

Pathways to Teacher Education Scholarship


The Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarship is awarded to 20 outstanding high school graduates who have demonstrated a commitment and aptitude for a career path in K-12 teaching.


$5,000 scholarship voucher to redeem when registered and attending an approved K-12 teacher education program at one of BC’s nine Faculties of Education. Up to 7 years to redeem voucher.

Due Date

ONLINE by FEBRUARY 15, 2025.


Note: there is no nomination process required for this award. 

1.    Written statement (500 words)

  • Save this written statement template (DOCX) to your computer
  • Write your statement in the template, following the instructions provided
  • Your written statement may build upon a related experience listed in your resume; keep the marking guidelines in mind
  • When you are ready to submit your Pathway to Teacher Education application online, upload your written statement into the online application form where prompted
  • The written statement is worth 60% in the overall assessment of the application; all written statements are assessed, and those assessments are used to shortlist applications

2.    Resume

  • Save the sample of the online application (PDF) to your computer
    • You can reference this as you prepare your information and responses offline
  • Resumes are worth 40% in the overall assessment of the application; they are only reviewed for those applications that are shortlisted

3.   Two reference letters (one community-related and one school-related)

  • Save these reference letter instructions (PDF) to your computer
  • Share the instructions with your two referees and have them return signed letters to you
  • Save digital copies
  • When you are ready to submit your Pathway to Teacher Education application online, upload your two letters into the online application form where prompted
  • The marking team does not mark reference letters but does consider them when reviewing resumes
  • Some referees prefer to submit a letter directly to the Ministry; in this case you must include a brief note (PDF) from the referee in place of the reference letter
    • This brief note must include the referees email address and confirmation that they will provide a reference letter to the ministry by the deadline
  • Ready to submit? Be prepared to complete the application in one session. You cannot save your progress.

Western National Scholarship Program


Looking for  looking for high-potential applicants who excel in the classroom and in their extracurricular pursuits seeking to enroll at Western University in London Ontario.

  • One Neen Hodgins National Entrance Scholarship valued at $80,000 (note the special instructions in the Procedure section of this email)

  • One President’s Entrance Scholarship valued at $70,000
  • Four President’s Entrance Scholarships valued at $65,000 and up to 15 more at $50,000
  • Five James Jenkins President’s Entrance Scholarship for Black Students valued at $50,000
  • One Beryl Ivey Continuing Entrance Scholarship valued at $92,000
  • One Neen Hodgins President’s International Entrance Scholarship valued at $80,000 for international (visa) students
  • Three International President’s Entrance Scholarships valued at $50,000 for international (visa) students
  • Up to 15 Faculty Entrance Scholarships valued at $30,000
  • Up to 46 National Scholarship Study Abroad Awards valued up to $5,000
  • Up to 50 National Merit Awards valued at $2,000 for one year
Due Date

In order for the school to complete the formal National Scholarship nomination for a student, the
following has to happen:

Student has to go into the on-line National Scholarship application. In the application there is a
section called “Nomination” and a section called “Assessor”.

In the “Nomination” section student enters the email address for the school administrator (you must add: Dragana Mihic, scholarship coordinator). I will receive the email with instructions for the nomination and request for the transcript.

The section for “Assessor” is where the student enters the email address for their selected person
to write a reference letter (this is a teacher or sponsor of your choosing – ask before selecting your “assessor”). It is the student’s responsibility to complete these sections and give their school
administrator and assessor time to consider/complete their request.

YOU MUST CONSULT MS. MIHIC by Friday,  February 3rd if you intend on applying for one of these scholarships. We can nominate 4 students.


Details can be found at: https://registrar.uwo.ca/student_finances/scholarships_awards/admission/national_scholarship_program.html 

Million Dollar Bursary


We are excited to share that, following the recent merger between Interior Savings and Gulf & Fraser, we are now able to extend the Million Dollar Bursary Program across the entire province! Our mission remains steadfast: to support the young people in our communities by investing in their education and future success.

The Million Dollar Bursary Program, originally launched by Interior Savings Credit Union in 2014, has made a significant impact over the years. With more than $4.5 million awarded since its inception, the program has been instrumental in helping students manage their finances responsibly and graduate from post-secondary education in a stronger financial position.

We look forward to seeing the positive impact of the Million Dollar Bursary Program as it continues to grow and support students across British Columbia.

2025 Million Dollar Bursary Eligibility Requirements*:

1.      Students must be between the ages of 17 and 24 at any point in 2025.

2.      Must be a member of Beem Credit Union (GFCU Savings, Gulf & Fraser, Interior Savings and North Peace Savings are trade names of Beem Credit Union) or become a member before February 28th, 2025, and use their account responsibly for every day banking needs.

3.      To claim award, must register in full-time studies in a trade, diploma, or degree program at adesignated post-secondary institution in 2025 or 2026.


1,000 x $1,000

Due Date

Online before February 28th, 2025


Apply online at https://www.gulfandfraser.com/about-us/community/scholarships-and-bursaries in less than 10 minutes. You will need their social insurance number to complete the application. This award is not limited to those with financial need, and there are no essays required.

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Schulich Leader Scholarships


Student must be planning to study science, technology, engineering, or mathematics at one of the 20 Canadian partner universities next September and possess two of the following:  (i) outstanding community, and/or entrepreneurial leadership, (ii) academic excellence, and alternatively,(iii) financial need.  Not  for students planning a career as a medical practitioner or researcher – this scholarship is geared towards the entrepreneurially-minded student. Note: the school can select only ONE nominee.


Up to 100 awards. Roughly half the awards are valued @ $120,000 for engineering scholarships and the other half is $80,000 for science and math scholarships.

Due Date

In order to be considered for the school’s nomination, you must complete and submit requirements outlined in the “Procedure” section below by Wednesday, January 15th to Ms. Mihic in Student Services or room 2121 or by email at dragana.mihic@burnabyschools.ca.


Please make sure all documents are in the following order. If emailing, combine all documents into a single .pdf rather than in multiple documents.

  1. An updated resume.
  2. 50-words each describing your top 3 achievements (academic or other).
  3. A 600-word essay demonstrating why you should win.
  4. A 250-word optional essay to discuss any additional information, including extenuating circumstances.
  5. A 50-word short answer describing where you see yourself 10 years from now
  6. Two letters of support from references (at least one academic). THESE CAN EMAILED TO Ms. Mihic DIRECTLY FROM THE REFEREE.
  7. Current transcript that include your Term 1 marks.
  8. As well, make sure you have your Student Profile completed. Your package will not be considered if one is not filled out. You can access it here: https://forms.office.com/r/6qxTR59Gj1

The successful nominee will be notified by the school in mid- to late- January.

Note: if selected, there will be time for the nominee to “tidy up” all supporting documents before formal submission by February 19th, 2025.

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