Starting in 2024, the Jean Ip Foundation’s Scholarship Program offers financial assistance to eligible individuals pursuing post-secondary education in Canada. The program provides several scholarships including the following five to Burnaby District students. Applicant must demonstrate financial need.
5 Burnaby students x $2,000
Due Date
Friday, April 4, 2025 before 3pm.
Submit all of the following, in order, as either a single PDF (check FAQ’s for help) or in paper to Ms. Mihic in Student Services by the due date.
2) Cover letter including statement of financial need
3) Two (2) letters of reference
4) Transcript of grades for grade 11 and 12 courses
Note: if selected, you will need to provide a media release form to publish a graduating photograph for their website. You will also be asked to provide your Social Insurance Number for tax purposes.