
Looking for  looking for high-potential applicants who excel in the classroom and in their extracurricular pursuits seeking to enroll at Western University in London Ontario.

  • One Neen Hodgins National Entrance Scholarship valued at $80,000 (note the special instructions in the Procedure section of this email)

  • One President’s Entrance Scholarship valued at $70,000
  • Four President’s Entrance Scholarships valued at $65,000 and up to 15 more at $50,000
  • Five James Jenkins President’s Entrance Scholarship for Black Students valued at $50,000
  • One Beryl Ivey Continuing Entrance Scholarship valued at $92,000
  • One Neen Hodgins President’s International Entrance Scholarship valued at $80,000 for international (visa) students
  • Three International President’s Entrance Scholarships valued at $50,000 for international (visa) students
  • Up to 15 Faculty Entrance Scholarships valued at $30,000
  • Up to 46 National Scholarship Study Abroad Awards valued up to $5,000
  • Up to 50 National Merit Awards valued at $2,000 for one year
Due Date

In order for the school to complete the formal National Scholarship nomination for a student, the
following has to happen:

Student has to go into the on-line National Scholarship application. In the application there is a
section called “Nomination” and a section called “Assessor”.

In the “Nomination” section student enters the email address for the school administrator (you must add: Dragana Mihic, scholarship coordinator). I will receive the email with instructions for the nomination and request for the transcript.

The section for “Assessor” is where the student enters the email address for their selected person
to write a reference letter (this is a teacher or sponsor of your choosing – ask before selecting your “assessor”). It is the student’s responsibility to complete these sections and give their school
administrator and assessor time to consider/complete their request.

February 14, 2025 online or postmarked if by mail. YOU MUST CONSULT MS. MIHIC by Friday,  February 3rd if you intend on applying for one of these scholarships. We can nominate 4 students.


Details can be found at: