So you need a reference letter or you are need to ask for someone to be a referee (the person you are asking to be a reference for you!). Here is a suggested form to prepare your referee for what you would like highlighted about yourself: Requesting a Reference Letter. Before doing so, read the information below!


Think about teachers/ coaches/ club sponsors you may want to approach and ask a reference letter from. ASK EARLY, ASK APPROPRIATELY, BE GRATEFUL AND GRACIOUS. Teachers do not need to do this.


    • DO ask references you may have a special connection to or who could highlight your strengths.
    • DO think about your audience. Are you applying to a Science-related program? If so, ask someone qualified to speak to these qualities.
    • DO ask teachers/ coaches/ club sponsors for references in person. Emailing them does not cut it.
    • DO ask at least two weeks ahead of timeĀ  though 4-6 weeks is preferable for most teachers.
    • DO provide details for the scholarship(s) you are applying for.
    • DO provide a copy of your resume or fill out this form that one of our English teachers has so graciously created (but check with the referee first for their preferences).
    • DO say thank you. This can be in the form of a card, a note, or even a small token of appreciation (though not necessary).
    • DO share the good news! Teachers/ coaches/ and sponsors want to hear about the scholarships you received, big or small so share the news.
    • DO NOT ask for a million references around the school. Pick two or three references that could speak to a wide range of your abilities.
    • DO NOT expect teachers to share their reference letters of you. Some may choose to share, others might not. Be sure that you have a good relationship with the source you ask and be respectful of their decision.
    • DO NOTĀ  forget to pick up these letters at an agreed upon time.
    • DO NOT ask teachers to rewrite them. This should be obvious.
    • DO NOT forget to say thank you in person.