Sometimes when putting together an application, you may be asked to combine your documents as one PDF. Here is a quick overview of how to create a .pdf from a .doc file and how to combine your documents.

How to save a .doc file as a PDF
  1. When you have completed your resume and have proofread it multiple times, select “File” then,
    • select “Save as Adobe PDF” then name and save, or
    • select “Print” and from the printer list select “Adobe PDF” or “Microsoft Print to PDF” then name and save
How to save a Google Doc to PDF
  1. When you have completed your resume and have proofread it multiple times, select “File” then,
    • select “Download” > “.pdf document (.pdf)” then name and save
How to combine multiple PDF documents into one document:
  1. Organize all your documents in order in word or google docs and then save as a .pdf, or
  2. Open Adobe Reader or Acrobat (all school computers have access to this program) and do the following:
    • Note: all of your documents should be in .pdf format before beginning this process
      1. Open all your files in adobe first.
      2. Go to “Tools” and select “Combine Files”
      3. You will then be asked if you want to add all opened files. Select “yes”
      4. You will then be able to organize the files by dragging them in your selected order before finalizing.
      5. Save this combined .pdf document.