Scholarships, Bursaries, Awards and more!

Month: October 2024

Cmolik Scholarship


Founded in 2008, The Cmolik Foundation helps students across BC access educational opportunities that shape their career aspirations and possibilities with the support of dedicated educators, mentors, sponsors and volunteers. Eligible applicants must:

  • Be a current resident of BC
  • Have lived in Canada for at least 7 years
  • Be in Grade 12 or a recent secondary school graduate
  • Have demonstrated financial need
  • Have faced adversity
  • Plan to be a full-time student
  • Be ineligible for the BC Tuition Waiver Program (for former youth in care)
  • Use funding for a post-secondary institution or college
  • Be endorsed by their school principal (this is done through Ms. Mihic)


Due Date

written response to Ms. Mihic in Student Services by January 17, 2025 by 3pm (email or paper OK).

due online February 7th, 2025. Successful applicants will be notified in late March or early April.


Part 1: Due MONDAY, JANUARY 17th by 3pm to Ms Mihic:

200-250 written response describing evidence of:

  •  adversity or hardship
  • good work ethic
  •  financial need
  •  leadership involvement

Part 2: DUE FEBRUARY 7th online IF NOMINATED from Part 1:

Go to for additional information and to submit package if nominated.

Queen’s University Awards

*** Note: You must be applying and intending to enroll to Queen’s University to qualify for these awards***

Chancellor’s Scholarship

*We can nominate ONE OR TWO Burnaby North students.*


Must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada who has applied for, or is in the process of applying for, admission to Queen’s University to be eligible for this award.  Excellent academic ability (90%+), demonstrated leadership and creativity, involvement in school and community activities.  Requires nomination from the school.


Queen’s Financial Aid and Awards Profile, Major Admissions Awards, Commitment Scholars Awards, Principal’s Scholarship, – varied; up to $100,000 over 4 years

Chancellor’s Scholarship –   80 @ $40, 000-$100,000 over 4 years

Due Date:

For the Chancellor’s Award, you must express your interest and completed requirements in Procedure below to Ms. Mihic or email her at before FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1ST @ 3:30 PM.



Note: The application is submitted only after you have applied to Queen’s and have set up a SOLUS account at Make sure you meet the criteria and have filled a Student Profile to be considered for the school nomination before FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1ST . Application and additional criteria must be received by December 8th at Queen’s University. Additional info below.



TD Scholarship for Community Leadership


The TD Scholarship for Community Leadership awards students across Canada who are finishing high school, have demonstrated community leadership and have a minimum of 75% grade average (in grade 11). There is an essay writing component to this scholarship and has an opportunity to provide “extras” for consideration.


multiple @  $70, 000 over 4 years ($10,000/yr for tuition; $7,500/yr for living expenses).


Online by 10 am  NOVEMBER 13, 2024.


Apply online: You will need to include two letters of support from community groups, a letter of recommendation by school, and a copy of your transcript. Essay component.



This scholarship will be awarded on the basis of  character determined by the evaluation of a 500-1000 word essay based on the following question:

When you look back on your life in 30 years, what would it take for you to consider your life successful? What relationships or accomplishments will be important on this journey?

More details can be found here.




Submit essay to:   by email at

There is no application packet for this award. Please do not include your resume at this time. Be sure to include your full name as well as the name of the school you are attending this year and your plans for next year.

Due Date

by EMAIL October 8, 2024.

Beedie Luminaries Scholarship


Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident for the past three years. Have a minimum overall grade average of 75% for grade 11 and available grade 12 marks. Must demonstrate financial adversity and use funding towards a post-secondary institution, trade school or college in which you will be enrolled full-time.  Two letters of reference required (1 teacher; 1 community-based) in addition to transcript and application. Eligibility details below or at:


up to $40,000/ 4 years for a Bachelor’s Degree Program or Trade School Program.

Due Date

online FROM NOVEMBER 4TH to Monday,  DECEMBER 16, 2024 (9 AM PST)


Submit an online application by visiting