Burnaby North is a school that strives towards excellence, discovery, and service, and it shows. In 2020, our graduating class received just under $1 million in scholarship offers. Our graduates worked hard to not only through achieving high marks, but also through their community service, extracurricular activities, need, and seeking out scholarship opportunities and applying for them.

These scholarship, bursaries, and awards will be advertised regularly on the main page of this site. Pay close attention to what is being asked of them and be sure to submit all documents to the appropriate source on time. LATE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

So what sorts of scholarships may be advertised?
  • post-Secondary Entrance scholarships (all year)
  • District-based scholarships (advertised in March)
  • school-based scholarships (all year)
  • Dogwood/District Authority (advertised in May)
  • PAC scholarships (advertised in April)
  • prestigious scholarships such as the Loran, Schulich, Beedie (throughout the year)
  • sports scholarships (all year)
  • External (all year)
    • needs based
    • cultural
    • essay submission requirements
    • specialist organizations

As you can see, there are numerous scholarships out there. Be sure to review the “Scholarships PowerPoint” for details.

Once done, prepare yourself in advance. That means:

  • Fill out the Grade 12 Student Profile O-365 Form. I use this online form to email and inform students of scholarships that may be appropriate.  Note: I only do this when I find a unique opportunity for the student or when an award comes up on short notice – students still need to do the majority of the work!
  • Think about teachers/ coaches/ club sponsors you may want to approach and ask a reference letter from. ASK EARLY, ASK APPROPRIATELY, BE GRATEFUL AND GRACIOUS. Teachers do not need to do this.
    • DO ask references you may have a special connection to or who could highlight your strengths.
    • DO think about your audience. Are you applying to a Science-related program? If so, ask someone qualified to speak to these qualities.
    • DO ask teachers/ coaches/ club sponsors for references in person. Emailing them does not cut it.
    • DO ask at least two weeks ahead of time  though 4-6 weeks is preferable for most teachers.
    • DO provide details for the scholarship(s) you are applying for.
    • DO provide a copy of your resume or fill out this form that one of our English teachers has so graciously created (but check with the referee first for their preferences).
    • DO say thank you. This can be in the form of a card, a note, or even a small token of appreciation (though not necessary).
    • DO share the good news! Teachers/ coaches/ and sponsors want to hear about the scholarships you received, big or small so share the news.
    • DO NOT ask for a million references around the school. Pick two or three references that could speak to a wide range of your abilities.
    • DO NOT expect teachers to share their reference letters of you. Some may choose to share, others might not. Be sure that you have a good relationship with the source you ask and be respectful of their decision.
    • DO NOT  forget to pick up these letters at an agreed upon time.
    • DO NOT ask teachers to rewrite them. This should be obvious.
    • DO NOT forget to say thank you in person.
  • Check this website and the twitter account @BNSScholarships regularly for updates on scholarships.  You can also find me, Ms. Mihic, in Student Services, my classroom (room 205), or email me at dragana.mihic@burnabyschools.ca if you have any questions.

Good luck!

Ms. Mihic