Core competencies are recognizable through actions, activities and thinking routines. They are strength-based, progressive and continual. Starting with an activity such as listing “I can…” may provide opportunities for students to share what they feel they do well. Brainstorming as a class may help to jog memory. Connecting language to the “I can…” is the responsibility of the teacher. Use opportunities throughout a day to offer the language of core competencies and attach it to real examples of the student. Eg. “I noticed when you
did this, you showed… That’s called critical thinking.”
Another way to start might be to find ways to describe the competencies such as group brainstorms on chartpaper or photos to sort into categories.
This process is a journey and will take quite a bit of time. There is no right/wrong answer, just naming and identifying some connections. The self assessment can look any way that the student wishes. Digital formats allow for wider breadth of opportunities for student voice (audio, video, image-although image can be paper based too).
RESOURCES that might help the journey:
Core Competencies Posters (download for your use)
Core Competencies Posters (* created by Burnaby North)
From the Ministry Site: Supporting the Self Assessment and Reporting on Core Competencies
All Core Competencies are in .docx file for editing use: Personal Awareness, Positive Identity, Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Communication
Using Single Point Frames:
Self-reflection using the language of the core competencies may need an organizational structure to continue the story. First steps may include a “notice and name” process. Later perhaps something like a single-point framework might help guide the dialogue. These were meant merely as guides (students might delete what is unnecessary) to support an ongoing reflective conversation (starting with “I can…”). This can take many forms, not just in written context. Consider visual, audio, video or other means.
- Communication Competency
- Creative Thinking Competency
- Critical Thinking Competency
- Positive Personal Cultural Identity Competency
- Personal Awareness and Responsibility Competency
- Social Responsibility Competency
Photos provide a different viewpoint for conversation (*here’s your chance to use those photos you’ve been taking). I’ve created a template (docx) that uses the terminology of “strengths and stretches”.
Click here for editable doc.
Other Resources
Picture Books (compiled by Joan Pearce, Carol Walters SD71 -Comox)
Compiled examples from participants on Twitter #bcedchat (great collection)