Core Competencies – Page 2 – Burnaby District Literacy

Category: Core Competencies


Thank you to Denise Ferreira, English Department Head at Byrne Creek, for sharing these rubrics she uses with her secondary students.  She explicitly teaches her students how to use these rubrics, and provides much modelling. 

This single point rubric has many purposes, such as: 

  • giving feedback to students
  • a summative assessment
  • a self-assessment


The second rubric is a self-assessment rubric.  This could be used for students to process and engage in while they are working, and then handing it in when they submit their work.  It helps students to see what they think they can do as they are heading to a more formal assessment. 

Denise – self assessment for c competencies and skills





These posters developed by the Sooke School District would be a great springboard to make your own posters!  This language is kid friendly, and imagine adding photos of your own students showing their knowledge of the core competencies!  Even better, have the kids take the photos!

Attached are primary samples and intermediate samples.  I hope they inspire you!  Thank you Sooke!  You always have the best things to share!

Click below:


DRAFT-Core-Competencies-K1 posters may 5 DRAFT-Intermediate-Core-Competency-posters (1) may 5

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