Social Studies 8 

Social Studies 8 is an overview of the period from 600-1750CE, where students research and analyze how societies form, interact, and change over time.  Students explore how factors such as contact and conflict, human and physical geography, and major shifts in culture influence social and political structures. Students examine how the practices of exploration, expansion and colonization have varying consequences for different groups.  Social Studies 8 is grounded in the historical thinking skills that are used to examine history at the high school level and beyond. On completion of Social Studies 8, students are well on their way to becoming historians, ready to engage with, and create history.

Social Studies 8 Course Outline_SAMPLE


Social Studies 9 

Social Studies 9 is an overview of the period between 1750-1919.  In this course, students will develop their critical thinking skills and analyze how people and nations around the world have been influenced by ideas, the environment, power, and identity. Students will explore how emerging ideas and ideologies profoundly influence societies and events, how physical environments influences the nature of political, social, and economic change, how disparities and power alter the balance of relationships between individuals and between society, and how collective identity is constructed and can change over time.  As in Socials 8, an emphasis will be placed on the study of First Nations Peoples.

Social Studies 09 Course Outline _ SAMPLE


Social Studies 10

The overarching goal of Social Studies 10 is to develop thoughtful, responsible, and active citizens, who are able to gather, interpret, and analyze information from a variety of sources and to understand multiple perspectives, differing worldviews, and what is important to know about the past. Students will cultivate their ability to make reasoned ethical judgements about actions in the past and present, and to determine appropriate ways to remember and respond.

Social Studies 10 can be broadly described as the history of Canada and the world, from 1914 to the present. Students will be provided the opportunity to examine historical and contemporary social, cultural, political, legal, economic, and environmental issues. There will be a focus on the development, structure, and function of Canadian and other political institutions, including First Peoples governance. Central themes include discriminatory policies and injustices in Canada and the world, as well as international conflicts such as WWI, WWII, and the Cold War. The course also examines Canadian autonomy and changing perceptions of identity in Canada.

SS 10 Course Outline_SAMPLE


Language Adapted Courses

The emphasis in Language Adapted SS courses is on acquiring language skills and understanding the core content in Social Studies.

Social Studies Language Adapted 10

Language Adapted Socials Studies 10 will prepare ESL students to meet the Grade 10 graduation requirement for Social studies and they will develop the necessary academic language skills. The emphasis in this course is placed equally on acquiring academic language skills and developing an understanding of designated core content in Social Studies.