Burnaby District Literacy – Page 10

As promised, here is the reading conference template that was shared at Faye Brownlie’s assessment workshop last night.

Before we did this particular type of conference, we had spent much time on the following:

  • teaching students how to pick a book that was a “just right” book for them.
  • teaching students many strategies for when they get stuck on an unknown word.
  • teaching how to make connections.  “This story reminds me of….”

So when we sat down with this template, it wasn’t the first time our learners heard this language.  It made the conversations natural, and just like every other day.  The “assessment” wasn’t an “event”.


reading conference template word document

reading conference template pdf




These posters developed by the Sooke School District would be a great springboard to make your own posters!  This language is kid friendly, and imagine adding photos of your own students showing their knowledge of the core competencies!  Even better, have the kids take the photos!

Attached are primary samples and intermediate samples.  I hope they inspire you!  Thank you Sooke!  You always have the best things to share!

Click below:


DRAFT-Core-Competencies-K1 posters may 5 DRAFT-Intermediate-Core-Competency-posters (1) may 5

Two of the Same

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This video, by Kelly Vogstad from the Surrey School District, is FANTASTIC!  She shares a story of students’ writing development over time.  She talks about the importance of modelling and scaffolding, and how students compare their work over time.  This is one of my favourites for sure!  Check it out!


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