Have a wonder-filled summer. For information on start up in September, please contact Brandon Curr (Brandon.Curr@burnabyschools.ca).

Coming to Yearend
Welcome to Yearend! Items to consider at this time: ensure you have a yearend RPI by end of May (Set a MANUAL RPI) unless a recent one has already been given. You can also complete another one in June if needed for your assessments. download any reports you wish to keep for your own records….

It’s October… oops Almost November
It seems like in a blink of an eye, the leaves have turned vibrant red, yellow and orange and the winter rains have struck. These are busy times and I know you are trying to balance the needs and wishes in your buildings. Just a heads up that our new licenses have been updated and…

Welcome Back
Hi Everyone Welcome back to a new year. Hope you had a great summer. Some items to be aware as we work through the year. New review or intro sessions are in the Staff Development calendar: https://learn.burnabyschools.ca/ If you are in need of a refresher or are brand new to the program, please consider this….

In Unique Times
Hi Everyone, We are certainly in unique times as we try to negotiate our way through this year. Just a reminder to all sites using Fast ForWord to support our students – this program continues to be online. Students can continue to work through the exercises assigned by teachers. And teachers will continue to see…

September – A New Year
Welcome back from holidays. A number of items are new this Autumn. Foundations 1, along with error reports are complete (Last year, it was in progress.) Student Errors are in a single report making it easier to review Reading Readiness and the RPI have been upgraded to html (No more Flash!) Usability of Foundation 1 and…

New on the Horizon
So many exciting things have been happening with our students’ learning that it’s hard to keep up. Updates on Intervention Practices: If you haven’t recently looked at our Interventions page, you’ll be happily surprised there are new connected activities for you. If you need assistance, please email me. Consistent review of your data reports goes…
Happy Holidays
Wishing you a very rest-filled and happy holidays. See you in 2018.
It’s October – What’s Happening?
October has entered with stormy weather (I think there’s a song about this..). And as we watch the leaves change colour and blow in the wind, we’ve been able to connect with returning students as well as get to know new students and staff. This is a significantly busy month in Fast ForWord. Learning sessions…
Welcome back
Hope everyone had a great summer. It looks like the warm days aren’t quite ending just yet. I always look forward to beginnings and school startup is no exception – lots of interesting things to learn and new people to meet. With all the changes happening, the dates for Fast ForWord learning series are set….
Being Data Informed – Student Driven Conversations
Funny thing around data – when students are an intricate part of the conversation, it takes on a whole different meaning. Recently, I was facilitating one of our Joint Teams (LSS/Classroom partners and Learning Technologies) with a focus on supporting learners with written output challenges. There were several tools that provide significant success for students….
Know Your “Why”
Recently we had session 2 of our Communicating Learning via ePortfolios Team. When I wrote up this session to post for the group, it struck me that these thoughts applied to everyone especially at a time when we’re all focused on assessment, report cards and all the things that come with the process. Learning is…
Summer Time
One thing we’re always doing is reflection. The end of year offers a chance to review our year and think about next steps. What is front and center is the work you’ve all done to support students. In whatever role you do, our students are the heart and center of everything. It is why we…
Thinking Math Supports?
In partnership with Ron Coleborn (Math consultant), we are pleased to announce two Math softwares available for teachers: Dreambox Learning (Math) Skoolbo (Math and Literacy basic skills) (Canadian version) DreamBox is an online Math resource (K-8) intended to support personalized instruction for students from intervention to enrichment. The ongoing formative assessments within the program can align…
Learning on the Edge – Reflections on Pro-D
We just finished a districtwide Pro-D, where for the first time we squeezed 2000 people into one building. So parking was quite hairy and the deluge of rain didn’t help matters. Once inside, the atmosphere was positively electrifying (thanks to the facilitators and participants). Our opening started with North’s own Viking marching band, keynote Abe Fernández (Director…