Professional Development – Page 3 – Burnaby District Literacy

Category: Professional Development


If you are interested in starting Daily 5 for literacy, or Daily 3 for math in your classroom, join us to receive a copy of this book and explore how to set up this program.

The Daily 5 enhances classroom practices based on years of experience in classrooms and compelling new brain research. 

The Daily 5 provides a way for any teacher to structure literacy and math time to increase student independence and allow for individualized attention in small groups and one-on-one support.

For more information, contact Math and Science Program Consultant Donna Morgan at or Tanis Anderson at

 See attached for more information. 

Register on the Staff Development Calendar.

Daily5 Daily3


Workshop for Secondary Teachers!


Dan Adrian, Burnaby School District’s SOGI Support Teacher, is offering a workshop on the novel “Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe”.  He will share his experiences in how he taught this novel, and attendees will receive access to all the resources he has created.  Dan can follow up with you in your classrooms, and co-teach lessons with you.   

Date: Tuesday October 24, 2017

Time: 4:00-5:30pm

Location: Moscrop Secondary School Library ​


Feel free to invite colleagues from out of district, as well as student teachers.  

As promised, here is the reading conference template that was shared at Faye Brownlie’s assessment workshop last night.

Before we did this particular type of conference, we had spent much time on the following:

  • teaching students how to pick a book that was a “just right” book for them.
  • teaching students many strategies for when they get stuck on an unknown word.
  • teaching how to make connections.  “This story reminds me of….”

So when we sat down with this template, it wasn’t the first time our learners heard this language.  It made the conversations natural, and just like every other day.  The “assessment” wasn’t an “event”.


reading conference template word document

reading conference template pdf

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