Hello Central staff,
This semester I am exploring the world of Google Classroom. I’m really appreciating the collaborative aspect of the suite of tools (Docs, Slides). If you would like to learn more about Google Suite (G-Suite) or the Google Classroom, let me know!
On going projects at Central include website development for the VAPA and Social Studies Departments.
If you have an idea for a technology enabled lesson/unit, let me know! I’d love to hear about what you’re doing and offer my help.
In other news, the technology leadership students have been busy keeping the carts tidy; please remember to plug in all mobile devices before returning them to the library to ensure they are fully charged and ready to go for the next class. Check my previous post to review procedures In addition to their maintenance duty, the kids are going to be starting their own tech blogs, posting tech tips for students at Central! A link to their blogs will be added here shortly