Chard Microgreens seed growing instructions

The Chard microgreens can either start to be harvested in about three weeks to get microgreens, or you can grow them longer to get actual Swiss Chard plants to eat later.

Chard microgreens front imageChard Microgreens seed growing instructions

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Xeriscaping (drought tolerant) Wildflower blend seed instructions

Xeriscaping wildflower blend frontXeriscaping wildflower blend instructions

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Seed Library Pacific Northwest Wildflower blend instructions

Pacific Northwest Wildflower blend frontPacific Northwest Wildflower blend instructions

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Welcome to our New Library!

The school Library is now open for some services in the new building.  Please see the list below for what is currently available.

Library Service Status
Audiobooks (CD) CLOSED
Book your Classes LIMITED SERVICE (contact us for details)
Colouring Table OPEN
Computer Research OPEN
eBooks* OPEN
ELL collection OPEN
eReaders CLOSED
Graphic Novels OPEN
Group Workspaces OPEN
Individual Study Nooks CLOSED
Laptop Computers OPEN
Lego Station CLOSED
Library catalogue OPEN
Library Club—Regular Shifts OPEN
Loaner DVD players (for movie/audiobook use) OPEN (In Library Use Only)
Magazines OPEN
Makerspace CLOSED
Movies (DVDs) CLOSED
Narrative Non-Fiction OPEN
Novels OPEN
Online databases for academic research and makerspace tutorials* OPEN
Online encyclopedias* OPEN
Open after School OPEN M-F
Open at Lunch OPEN M, W, F only
Picture Books OPEN
Printing & Photocopying LIMITED SERVICE (Library copier is out of toner but students can print from here to the 4th floor copier)
Puzzle Table CLOSED
Relax and read OPEN
Research Books LIMITED SERVICE (no browsing; titles available by request)
Scanning documents OPEN
Spare block workspace OPEN
Wired headsets (for media listening & recording) OPEN
Work on our computers OPEN
Work on your own computer OPEN


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Book Review: The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

Book Review for The Song of Achilles, By Madeline Miller. 

Review by Bailey Hanson 

 The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller is a modern re-telling of The Iliad by Homer. This story covers the Trojan war, starring the characters Achilles, Odysseus, and Patroclus. In Miller’s re-telling of the story, we get to see the war through the perspective of Patroclus. A boy exiled from his kingdom, later becoming a fighter in the war, who is also described as kind-hearted. Patroclus is also Achilles’s companion, and often described as Achilles’s only weakness.  

This book is heartbreakingly warming, the emotions and scenery are so vivid in this book, it takes you away to another world. You really get a feeling for how Patroclus sees the world, how he feels towards his peers; his morals, his personality, and so on. Everything is so captivating, and I could not put this book down once I had picked it up. It is also very interesting to read this sort of book, as it is a romance but not like one most have read before. Patroclus and Achilles have a very interesting dynamic, which causes problems in their future. You can tell that Miller put a lot of work into this book, and crafting the character most knew from the original story; but adding depth to him and his relationships.  

In this book we follow Patroclus and his relationship with Achilles, the half-god of the prophecy, prince of his kingdom. They form a close relationship in their young years, eventually being taught by the Centaur Chiron, and then getting called to serve in what is later known as the 10-year-long Trojan war. In this book they experience literally everything. Some parts are comedic, and some parts are filled with sorrow. They experience sacrifice, decision making, and so on.  

The Song of Achilles has to be one of my favorite books I have ever read. While it talks about deep subjects and is a version of the trojan war- it is easy to understand. A lot of people don’t read books like the Iliad, or the Odyssey, simply because they are difficult to read. But Miller executes the writing style in a way that is easy for newer readers to digest and analyze and it is simply amazing. With my whole heart, I would recommend this book to anyone. If you don’t like romance, there is a plot. If you like character building, there is buckets full. I do not have a single bad thing to say about this book, even though it is a tear-jerker, it is a tear-jerker in the best way possible. 10/10. 

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We are Moving! Library Service Changes

Current Library (Graphic Novels)

We are continuing to pack for the move to the new building (over Winter Break).  Please excuse our dust.

New Library Entrance

The last day for classes to use the library (except for classes displaced by the move) is December 12.  We will still be open in FLEX/Lunch/Afterschool and for Study block students during the day, but parts of the library may be closed for access and we may have fewer spaces to work than normal.  If we’re full when you arrive, you’ll need to find somewhere else to work.

Also, you will notice more and more bins filling up spaces in the library.  Please do not move them.  Thanks.

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For Library Club Shelvers

Hi Shelvers. Thanks for volunteering. Your job is the most complex of the library club groups, and there is some information you need to learn to do it. The booklet we gave you has some information, but we know lots of people like to get information from videos too.

Below are some videos to watch on how to shelve books.


Fiction (it’s mostly the same as for us, but ignore the part about ‘E’ on the call number, we don’t use that in High School library)

A couple more:

This one is on reading and sorting spine label numbers.

And this one explains the Dewey Decimal system for you (plus some extra info that’s specific to the library that made the video – ignore that part).

If that stressed you out (don’t worry, we don’t expect you to immediately know how to do everything perfectly), here’s some relaxing library fireplace ambience.

And because it’s October, here’s some spooky library music.


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Library Closures–Read the signs

A reminder that the Library is closed at lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Other closures will be noted on the Library door.  Make sure you check the green closure schedule and read the signs that are posted before you plan your visit.

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