Library Workshops during Assessment Week


The library will be offering three different activities during Assessment Week (Jan. 20-24, 2025):

  1. Learn to Make Your Own Custom Printed & Cut Stickers Using the Cricut machine. Monday morning from 9-lunch.  At right are examples of stickers Ms Gladwin made using pictures of the dolls she crochets plus a Grogu snowflake. You will need a device to do your designing on; bring your own or use one of our laptops. The Cricut Design Space app can be downloaded onto mobile devices, laptops, tablets. It’s helpful if you download the app and make a free account for yourself ahead of time. Here’s a link to the apps

2. Decorated Envelopes.  Monday afternoon (1-2:30).  Learn how to use simple calligraphy and drawing techniques to decorate envelopes in many ways.  These are great for getting attention when you’re delivering special cards or letters, either in person or through the mail.  Elevate the thoughtfulness of your Valentine’s, Birthday, or Thank-you cards (great for thanking teachers for those reference letters!).  You’re welcome to bring the envelopes for any cards/letters you’re preparing now.  Bring a selection of your pens, pencil, markers so you can learn to work with your supplies as well as ours.  Please sign up ahead of time so that we know how many supplies we’ll need. Maximum of 20 participants.

  1. Board Game Day. Wednesday from 10am-2pm.  You’re welcome to come by at any time during the session to play some board games. You can play one of ours, or bring your own to share with others. No signup needed, just show up and find someone to play with.
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