Book Review: Flowers for Algernon

The following article has been written by T.C., a member of North’s Bibliophile blog. Thanks for the review, T.C.!

Flowers for Algernon is a captivating story of the life of Charlie Gordon, a boy born with an extraordinarily low IQ. Charlie is aware he is mentally challenged and openly accepts it; however, he is persistent to find ways to increase his intelligence level.  Soon his efforts pay off, as he is chosen by doctors to be the first to participate in a newly developed breakthrough that could potentially increase a person’s intelligence.  The shortcoming is that the experiment has never been tested on humans; only on a mouse named, Algernon.   Test results on Algernon prove very positive and encouraging.  Pushing his own doubts aside, Charlie accepts the doctor’s offer to be the first human to undergo the experiment, as he is determined that he could have the potential to finally converse with “smart” people and fit in normally in society.

Results of the experiment turn out better than expected; Charlie’s intelligence level even surpasses those of the doctors who originally treated him.  Charlie begins to understand himself and those around him better, as his intelligence continues to develop extraordinarily.    Meanwhile, Algernon’s condition after the operation reveals that he is slowly deteriorating, and then eventually dies.  Faced with this alarming news, Charlie begins to worry and wonder if he will face his own mortality.

Join Charlie Gordon, on his journey to overcome his adversities as he is given the opportunity to partake in a medical breakthrough, learn about his past, and experience life as he would never have known before.  Flowers by Algernon, by Daniel Keyes, winner of the Hugo Award and the Nebula Award, is a poignant novel that is a must read.

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