Category: Story Studio

Div. 2 Story Studios!

Happy Monday Morning!

As  mentioned earlier, we have Story Studios from Grade 6 and 7s to share, as well. It was very fun to work with them on their “because moment” that was inspired by Mo Willem’s book, Because. Look back at May 20 to see the story and think about your own ‘because moment’ if you haven’t had a chance to yet! Check out a small selection of the wonderful stories that were shared…

Thank you to Emma

And Troy

Because video games were invented, people started playing.

Because people started playing video games, they became more popular.

Because video games became more popular, more were produced.

Because more were produced, I was able to access video games.

Because I was able to access video games, I was able to play video games.

Because I was able to play video games, I got more skilled at video games.

Because I got more skilled at video games, I was able to help others play video games at a higher level.

Because I helped others play video games at a higher level, they were able to help others play video games at a higher level.

And Kyle

I chose piano as my because moment because piano is the thing that got me into music, and piano helped me learn more about myself. Piano is important to me because through piano, and music in general, I’ve made so many amazing friendships, and learned that music taught me to be myself. Through piano, I get to express myself without even speaking words, because I let the piano do the talking for me, which is amazing. Piano has shaped and changed my life so much and taught me that I don’t always need to be stressed. I use music to cam myself down, and it’s really helped me throughout the years. Piano and music has taught me so much, and I can’t wait to learn more about myself through piano and music.

And Isabelle

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And Thomas…(click on the image below)

Great work Div. 2! 🙂

Spotlight on Div. 15!

Hello, Clinton Thunderbirds!

During this week we will highlight Story Studio from both the Ks and the Grade 6s and 7s! It’s so wonderful to have stories span the ages!

Division 15 has been doing Story Workshop in their own classroom Story Studio and I’m so happy they decided to share! Thank you to Allen, Jasmine and Simon. 🙂


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Because Moment

Good morning!

This morning, I met with Div. 2 and we read Because by Mo Willems. You all know Mo for the pigeon or Piggie and Gerald, but Mo has shared a deeper part of himself with this book. It is a story of inspiration and connection that run through us all. It might start you thinking about your own “because moment”. It’s incredible to step back and see how one act of kindness here, a risk taken there,  a serendipitous minor illness here…lead one to where they are.


To get yourself in the right frame of mind, listen to  Symphony No. 8 in B-Minor here. This is the piece of music that inspires at the very beginning of the book…


Wondering about the “because moment” of Because? Click below to hear from Mo  Willems and Amber Ren about Because. The music accompanying the video is “The Cold” by Hilary Purrington from the book.


Can you figure out your “because moment”? Or do some research about someone you admire or something you use or enjoy and realize what the “because moment” was? Feel free to join Div. 2 by using Story Studio to create and share. Or just sit in the moment and think about what your “because moment” might be.  As always, I’m available if you want to share…

I’ll leave you with Jessie’s reflection on Music at Clinton and the connection of all our students as they are “watered” by Mrs. Jefferson and students who come before. Which one of you will have Music at Clinton as part of your “because moment”? 🙂

Music Art by Jessie

Inspire! Create! Share!

Good morning, Clinton Thunderbirds!

I wanted to share something with you that brings together the 2 Clinton Spotlights that I’ve shared on our blog. Krystal, from Div. 8, was inspired by Div. 2 and their beautiful landscape drawings. She drew a landscape of Antarctica with penguins and you can enjoy it below…


After seeing the Story Studios that were shared from Div. 9, she extended her thinking and used her landscape as a setting for a story!

The story involved Ms. Eng (Krystal’s teacher) traveling to Antarctica for a lifetime supply of ice!! 🙂

Ms Eng remarks that she needs more ice for her iced tea since it’s summer…Yay! She also sees a giant penguin and some small ones…

Thank you, Krystal, for sharing your creations that were inspired by others in our Clinton community. My heart is so happy, as I realize that even though we are not physically together at school, we continue to influence, encourage and connect with each other. ♥

Stay tuned for more inspiration from other students in our community…you all really are the best!

Take care and keep creating the stories of your time here…Mrs. Hossack 🙂


Good morning!

you can retell.
you can make up.
you can describe.
you can create.
you can build upon.
you can be inspired by.
you can learn from.
you can share.
you can enjoy.

You know I love stories and this morning we will talk about how to share our stories with others and perhaps inspire them to create!

Click here for a video example of sharing Story Studio  from The Hive.

There are many possibilities when it comes to sharing in Story Studio! You can simply tell someone your story, draw a picture of your story and then label it, or write the story. You can share your story by painting, drawing, sculpting, or using your imagination to share it creatively. Check out these wonderful examples from Div. 9 below!


Here is how Cara shared her story…she drew a picture of her story and then labeled it. She also wrote down the instructions of “How to Make a Salad”.


Anna’s Story Studio was a fiction story about an animal bridge…


Here is how Evan S. shared his Story Studio…


Nil’s creation and sharing about ninja’s…


Dexter shares his Story Studio about how the car got to the top…


Jocelyn shared a video to tell her story…

Creation by Jocelyn


It seems Ashlyn was inspired by Amy Krause Rosenthal and The OK Book!


Oliver, from Mrs’ Wilson’s Kindergarten class, used the Toontastic app to share his Story Studio. Unfortunately, I am not able to figure out how to share his video, but I’m working on it! In the meantime, check out the Toontastic app or other technologies that help us tell a story like Book Creator, My Storybook Maker or the Sway app in your Windows apps for school. There are many more, so please let me know if there are others you find that are worth recommending to others!

I will continue sharing Story Studios as they come to me, but thanks to Div. 9 and Mrs. E. for helping me launch you all  into the Story Studio world! I can’t wait to see how Clinton Elementary gets inspired to create and share with others! ♥ Please feel free to get in touch with me anytime if you have questions or comments about what I have shared.

Happy Storytelling!

Mrs. H.


Good morning to you!

I have opened up many windows and doors at my house to allow the fresh, sweet air from the rain to keep me company as I write this blog post. I can hear all sorts of birds and sounds of the city and can feel the cool air swirling around my legs. I can see trees and flowers and small green plants pushing through the soil in my veggie garden that will soon become peas, lettuce, kale and tomatoes. Yum! I also spy our dogwood tree and it is in full bloom. This is one of my favourite times of the year and could also be a wonderful inspiration for a wonderful story! As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, experiences and observations can also be the beginning of a creation in Story Studio!

In Story Studio supplies are called Loose Parts and Story Materials.

Think of Story Studio Supplies as stuff. Stuff that you have in your homes and in your yards. Story Studio Stuff can be toys like cars, action figures, Playmobil people, Lego, stuffed animals. Story Studio Stuff can also be recycled items, bottle caps, toilet paper rolls, rocks, sticks, leaves. Story Studio Stuff can be ANYTHING large or small that learners can use to show their ideas, stories and learning.

  • Using ‘stuff’ build a picture to explain your learning
  • Move the stuff around to play out the story of your learning
  • Play out the learning story one or more times adding stuff or using new stuff.
  • Recreate the learning story with paints, pastels, crayons, clay, playdough, sand, sidewalk chalk…anything you’d like!

Click here for a wonderful example of a Story Studio at home from The Hive in Delta.

Now it’s your turn! 🙂 Listen to the story I read aloud yesterday to work with Div. 9 to do a Story Studio about insects and teamwork or take a walk in the rain to become inspired! Here are some at-home creations from Div. 9 to inspire you, too!

Creation by Nils


Creation by Malaya


Creation by Jocelyn


Creation by Evan L


Creation by Dexter


Creation by Cara


Creation by Anna


Creation by Ashlyn


Thank you to everyone that shared in Div. 9…so fun and creative! Check back tomorrow to see the final part of Story Studio…Sharing!

Mrs. H.


Wonder Wednesday!

Good Morning!

I’ve been thinking a lot about our Story Studio space in the Library that was the cause of much wondering as it grew near our story area. It’s been a while, so here are some pictures to jog your memory. 🙂


This week, Division 9 is focusing on creating stories like we started in the Library before Spring Break. We started with what we wondered about and here are some of Mrs. Elchelmaier’s students’ creations. Thank you to  Zahra, Clare, Anna and Linnea. 🙂



It was such fun to work with them!

Ashlyn from div. 9 has already created and submitted her story and I can’t wait to share more with you next week to inspire you to make your own stories.  Oliver, from Mrs. Wilson’s K class has made a story on Toontastic app. Check back next week to see their creations and be inspired!

Next week, we will talk about how we can make our own story studio at home and everyone can take part. A read aloud will inspire you on Monday, we can talk about how to create at home on Tuesday and then think about how to share our stories on Wednesday. I can hardly wait!

If you’re waiting for story studio and wondering about wondering, check out Canadian author Mary Louise Gay and her book Any Questions that we have in our Clinton library.



Until tomorrow!

Mrs. Hossack 🙂

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