Good morning and welcome to our first Clinton Spotlight!
Just because we can’t see the real thing at school doesn’t mean we can’t share all the cool things that are still going on at Clinton! Every week on the Library Blog, we will have a spotlight on at least one Division in our school and see how they are creating, learning and thriving!
Our first Division is…drumroll please…DIVISION 2!!
Division 2 lives in Room 1 and they are a grade 6/7 class. Ms Loukopoulos and Ms Zappavigna keep things rolling in there and they wanted to share something they have been working on…
Division 2 created their own landscapes last week. They were asked to draw, sketch, or paint a landscape, one student even created a collage landscape. They could sketch their backyard, or a place they have been before, they could also follow a directed drawing that was provided for them. They were also asked to write an artist statement. The curriculum focus was to express feelings, ideas and experiences through creating landscapes. Please enjoy them and, if you want try to draw a landscape, please do!
-Draw a coloured landscape (stop whenever you need to)
This art piece I drew/ painted is a moon lighting the mountains and some water. The feeling I get is being alone, sadness and isolation. It just looks like some picture that just means sadness. I feel that the black and white colors just mean loneliness. It makes me feel empty, I also think it’s cheerless, but at the same time, it’s sadness is really elegant. I don’t know why but it looks nice when it’s sad and alone. ~ Daphne, Div. 2
Mountain in Winter ~ Loah, Div. 2

This art piece is a landscape of a sunset in a desert full of cacti. Last year, my family and I went on a 7-day trip to Cabo San Lucas in Mexico, during the summer, and that’s what inspired me to make this landscape. I can still clearly remember the vibrant streaks of color every evening, as the sun would set and the colors were like rich shades of blood red blended with oranges, pinks, purples, crimsons –it was absolutely stunning & beautiful – and smack in the middle: the blazing, blinding, glorious, pineapple-yellow sun. It was like the last gasp of color before darkness fell. ~ Celina, Div. 2
Kyle N., Div. 2
This painting is a sunset at the ocean with two birds flying high in the sky. The feeling when I look at it is happiness because of the vibrant colours. ~ Kailey, Div. 2
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