District Learning Support Services, Burnaby Schools

Author: singt (Page 2 of 2)

Welcome back!

This will be a back to school year like no other! We will be smiling behind our masks and are excited to see everyone again.  Wearing masks helps reduce the spread of COVID-19 in the community but it can sometimes make communication more difficult, especially for people who have trouble speaking or hearing.

Communication challenges:

• Masks make voices muffled and harder to hear.
• Masks cover facial expression and prevent speech reading. Without visual cues, people with hearing loss or communication difficulties may have even more trouble understanding what they are hearing.
• People with communication difficulties may not be able to make themselves understood through a mask.

Communication strategies when wearing a mask:

• Move to a quiet place, or reduce competing noises in the environment.
• For those who wear hearing aids, ensure they are working well.
• Face your communication partner and make sure nothing is blocking your view.
• Get the attention of your communication partner before you start talking.
• Ask what you can do to make communication easier for both of you.
• Speak a little more slowly and slightly louder than usual, but do not shout or exaggerate your speech.
• Use your eyes, hands and body movements to add more information to your speech.
• Use a voice amplifier.
• Ask if your communication partner understood you. If not, repeat, rephrase or write it down.
• Use speech-to-text apps to transcribe speech in real time.

Please see General Public Masks Info Sheet by Speech-Language and Audiology Canada for further information.

Have a safe and healthy school year!


Many parents are looking for ideas to to keep their kids busy over the summer at this time of year.  Here are some fun activities to try that target speech and language goals (you can also print out Summer Speech & Language Bingo)

For more ideas, check out our handouts on how to support your child’s language during everyday activities.  See our articulation section for ideas and materials to practice specific speech sounds.  Dr. Henry reminds us to “Be kind, be calm and be safe.” As the unique school year ends, also try to have a FUN summer!

What Can I Do with My Child All Day?

What Can I Do with My Child All Day? Strategies for Supporting Young Children

ACT Autism Community Training is hosting a free presentation by a behaviour analyst/special educator and a speech-language pathologist to provide a framework for thinking about how to provide support. This will include resources for engaging children in activities that can enhance informal learning and support social-communication development. This presentation is intended for parents and early intervention service providers.  No registration is required. The presentation is at 3pm on April 30. A recording will also be available after the live stream ends.
Please click here for more information

Supporting your child’s language skills when reading and exploring books

Your child’s teacher and school librarian always encourage reading books at home.  Keep reading below or click here to download a handout on supporting your child’s language when reading and exploring books and handouts for other activities.

WHY is reading and exploring books so important for promoting language and literacy development? 

  •  Children need to hear many words often.  Reading to your child often exposes them to more words and builds his/her vocabulary. 
  • Children learn words when they are interested.  Books motivate children to communicate and, when parents respond to what the child is interested in, it helps the child learn new words. 
  • Reading builds vocabulary and meaning.  Children learn what words mean when parents read with them and explain what new words mean while pointing to the pictures. 
  • Vocabulary and grammar are learned together.  Children need to hear new words in grammatically correct sentences in order to learn language efficiently. Reading books with your child exposes them to new words used in grammatical sentences.
  • Positive, extended conversations support cognitive and social development.  When parents read with their child this promotes a positive interaction and shared conversation. 

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Supporting your child’s language skills when cooking and sharing meals

During this unprecented time of social distancing, many of us are eating at home with our families more than before.  Cooking together is a wonderful way to work on language goals with your child!  Narrate as you plan and cook together.  This provides a language model for your child and is a great way to introduce new vocabulary and grammar.  For example, “First I am mixing in the eggs, then I will mix in the milk”.  Remember to speak in the first person instead of referring to yourself as Mommy/Daddy (e.g., use “I am mixing in the eggs.” instead of “Mommy is mixing in the eggs.”).  Meals are also a great time to sit and practice language in a relaxed way.  You can download a handout on Supporting Your Child’s Language Skills when Cooking and Sharing Meals and handouts for other activities here.

Cooking Activities and Strategies

  1. Before you begin, brainstorm what you want to make, and create a list (written or drawn) of the ingredients you’ll need.
  2. Flip through a recipe book together or look online. If your child struggles with reading, you can draw a sketch of ingredients and steps. Some food bloggers show photos not just of the finished product, but of each step of the recipe. Many children with language difficulties will appreciate having this visual support.
  3. Discuss the recipe together before starting. Talk about what you will do first, next, then, or last.
  4. Talk about where to find the ingredients and utensils needed (e.g. “The mixing bowl is in the drawer.” or “The drawer is under the microwave.”).
  5. Practice and talk about taking turns when adding ingredients, mixing, etc. Use phrases such as: “Whose turn is it?”, “It’s your turn now.”, “It’s your brother’s turn now”.
  6. Develop vocabulary by not only labeling objects (e.g., pasta, water, spoon), but also demonstrating action words (e.g., slice, pour, stir), and descriptive words (e.g., slowly, soft, sharp).
  7.  Practice asking and answering wh-questions (e.g. “What do we need next?”, “Where is the bread?”, or “When do we add the salt?”).
  8. Talk about the quantities of the ingredients you’re using (e.g., “We need more carrots.”) and how they relate to each other (e.g., “This tomato is big, and this one is bigger).
  9. Practice understanding and remembering directions. Some children will need short directions (e.g., “Put the lettuce in the bowl.”), and others are ready to work on longer ones (e.g., “Put the lettuce in the bowl, then go get a cucumber and wash it.”). Discuss strategies we use to help us remember and show we understand, such as repeating back what we hear, paraphrasing what we hear, or writing or drawing the information.

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