Our Online Catalogue has Moved!

Our catalogue address has changed!  We’ve updated the links on the school website and the library site to: 


If you have personal bookmarks/favourites stored in your browser, please update them to the new link.

We’ve changed our menu access to the Catalogue.  Now, it you click on the main “Catalogue” menu link, you’ll access the Basic Catalogue directly.  If you want to read about the catalogue functions, click on the “Catalogue Basics” link under “Catalogue”.

You can also search Destiny Discover using the search widget in the sidebar.

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Valentine’s Day–Closed at Lunch for Speed Book-Dating

A reminder that the library will be closed at LUNCH on Wednesday for our Speed Book-Dating event.  If you need to return, renew, or check out materials, please join us before school, at break, or after school.

If you’re participating in Speed Book-Dating, please arrive as quickly as possible (you can eat in the Library while we’re waiting to begin).  Your book (or cover photo if we don’t have a copy yet) and name tag will be waiting for you when you arrive.

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Library Club Yearbook Photo

Attention Library Club members:

Our yearbook photos for this year will happen Tuesday, January 29th at lunch in the library. Please arrive as soon as you can after the start of lunch so that we can get everything organised to take the pictures. You can bring your lunch to eat here. 

Please note: the library will be closed to anyone not in the library club at lunch on Tuesday, January 29th.

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Find a new book to love! February 14th

Are you a wiz at finding books new readers to love them?  Or maybe you’re looking for a new book to love?

Sign-up for “Speed Book-Dating” to find a new book to capture your heart.  Forms will be available in the Library and from your English teacher.  Forms are due to the library by Thursday, February 8th.

We’ll find new books to love Wednesday, February 14th at lunch.

North’s twelfth annual Speed Book-Dating event takes place Wednesday, February 14th at lunch in the library. If you’ve never been to the event before, here’s how it works:

  1. Come down to the library right at the bell with your lunch.
  2. Place all bags and coats on tables and find the seat labelled with your name.  (If you’ve asked us to provide your book and we have a copy, it will be on your chair.)
  3. Eat your lunch while waiting for everyone else to arrive.
  4. When we begin, you’ll be paired with one other person who also has a book to share.  Introduce them to your book.  You can say what the book is about, why you think they’ll love it, and and/or what you loved about it.
  5. Next your partner will tell you about their book to love.  Remember (or make a note) of the book’s title if it sounds like a story you might want to spend some time with.
  6. Rotate and and do it all again with your new partner.

Most of the books are available in our library.  If you’ve forgotten which title stole your heart, we will also have a list of who presented what so you can easily find the books that made your heart flutter.

One of the Teacher-Librarians will go over these instructions again so relax and enjoy.

Thank you for supporting this annual event!

Note: The library will be closed to all other patrons during lunch.

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Vikings Talk…about Graphic Novels

This Wednesday (Jan. 24) come to the library to discuss Delilah Dirk and the Turkish Lieutenant by Tony Cliff.  We’ll also talk more generally about graphic novels.  Do you have a favourite to recommend?  Are you new to graphic novels and looking for suggestions?  Everyone is welcome.

Meet in the Magazine Nook.  Bring your lunch (you can eat during Library Events) and we’ll provide Hot Chocolate.


Thanks to all who came.  We had a very lively chat about lots of different graphic novels.  It`s clear that graphic novels have some big fans at North.

For those who (over)heard our conversation about Squirrel Girl, here`s a video demonstrating just how natural her powers are:



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Library Club Yearbook Photo

Attention Library Club: We will have our club yearbook photo done on Tuesday, January 30th at lunch in the library. Please come to the library immediately at lunch so that we can get organised.

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It’s January! Get Cozy and Learn New Things

Come check out our new display of cozy reads.It’s the start of a new year.  January can be grey and cold, so it’s a great time to stay inside and learn new skills.  Learn to cook some comfort food for friends and family.  Or if you’d rather not deal with people, it’s also a great month to cozy up with a great book and a warm drink.  

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Library Club Event this Friday

A reminder to Library Club members…if you’ve been working your shifts/tasks you’re invited to the Christmas lunch this Friday. 

Please RSVP on the sign-up sheet in the Library so we will have enough treats for everyone attending. 

Sign-up ends at lunch on Wed. Dec. 13th.

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