We are having a book club with this book! Click on Reading Zone Book Club below for more information, and register on the staff development calendar.
We are having a book club with this book! Click on Reading Zone Book Club below for more information, and register on the staff development calendar.
I love this book! Check out the short video clips. This would be great to show at a staff meeting or professional day to start a conversation about what we value in our reading instruction.
Disrupting Thinking Video Clip
As promised, here is the reading conference template that was shared at Faye Brownlie’s assessment workshop last night.
Before we did this particular type of conference, we had spent much time on the following:
So when we sat down with this template, it wasn’t the first time our learners heard this language. It made the conversations natural, and just like every other day. The “assessment” wasn’t an “event”.
Thank you so much Kelli Vogstad, for this thoughtful blog post about core competencies.
“What are the conditions that allow learners to assess their own learning in ways that are honest, thoughtful, and to help them move forward in their learning?”
To read more, click here:
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