Hey Little Ant ~ How to be reflective?

Because Hey, Little Ant ends with a question–“What do you think that kid should do?”– the story naturally leads to discussion. Children want to keep talking. Common topics include bullying (“Have you ever felt like the ant?”) and the connectedness of living things (“Do you think the ant’s as important as the child?”).



Some general questions to consider:

  • What do you think the kid should do? Explain your answer?
  • What are some of the reasons for squishing the ant?
  • Is it okay to squish the ant? If so, under what conditions?
  • Are there other living things that makes it okay to squish or stamp out?
  • What are some alternative ways to deal with this situation?
  • The Ant says they are very much alike? Do you agree or disagree? Explain.

Teacher Reference Links:

http://the firstgradeparade.org/hey-little-an/



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