I hope you all have had a great first week of S2! A couple of updates:
- Our online tech sign up is up and ready to go, with a new feature: you can now click on a date from the “School Calendar” sheet & follow the link to jump directly to that place in the spreadsheet! Easy!
- We now have two awesome tech leadership helpers this semester who are ready to help with your basic technology needs (broken mouse? let us know!)
- I’ve been curating some resources on this site (see resources section). If you have any resources that you use frequently that you think others would be interested in checking out, let me know! I will continue to add resources as I find and vet them
Also, if you could please review the laptop/iPad procedures with yourself & your students, it would be greatly appreciated! This is especially relevant to new staff:
Mobile Device Procedures
- Do a quick count before handing out devices (31 laptops, 30 ipads)
- Have students carefully unplug and remove devices; laptop cart trays can be pulled out to make this easier
- Have students use the same device every time; makes management easier!
- Monitor use – kids can pick keys off of the laptops!
- Have students make sure they finish logging off of their laptop before closing the lid (black screen = done!)
- Return devices to the correct location in the cart (#1 goes in slot 1, etc.)
- Make sure the devices are plugged in before you close up the cart. Laptops use the plug to the left of their slot – please ask students not to pull on the cables as it unplugs them in the back of the cart
- Do a final count before returning to the Library
- Report problems either directly to Lisa or myself, or leave a note on the cart.
Thanks team!
-Michelle, Queen of spreadsheets.