Find out more about these remarkable people in our community when Bombs to Books author David Starr visits us TOMORROW at lunch in the library.
Learn more about David Starr here.
Find out more about these remarkable people in our community when Bombs to Books author David Starr visits us TOMORROW at lunch in the library.
Learn more about David Starr here.
This Valentine’s Day, forget flowers, chocolates, and romance. Instead, come to the library and share a favourite book with a select few!
North’s 7th annual Speed Book Dating takes place on Valentine’s Day, Thursday, February 14th. Come to the library and fill out a Speed Dating Form (all forms due Wednesday, February 6th) and then join us in the library at lunch on February 14th. Everyone is welcome!
Mike and Lindsay’s friendship is ruined by a simple misunderstanding, but when Lindsay is caught in a compromising position and the footage goes viral, Mike knows he has to put aside any hard feelings and help Lindsay in her time of need. Learn more about this Amanda Todd-like story when Vikings Talk meets this Wednesday at lunch in the Library.
This book is also in e-book format! Check it out here.
How would you react if your father arrived home from work one day and announced that you were about to meet your brand new little brother, who was… a chimpanzee?!?! Find out how Ben reacts to baby “brother” Zan when Vikings Talk the award-winning book Half-Brother by popular Canadian author Kenneth Oppel tomorrow at lunch in the library.
Email us, if you would like a digital copy of any of these photos.
We want to see all resources at least once before the winter break so please return or renew them today! Overdue notices will be distributed Wednesday, December 19th.
In the meantime, check out our newest titles to the left. All resources checked out starting today are due Monday, January 7th, 2013 (first day back).
So we’ve talked about the ethical use of images in the library before. You know that you can’t just download an image from the internet and call it your own. So how do you find images that are free to download and use?
There are sites that provide ethically sourced or free images such as Creative Commons and istock but did you know that Google does as well? You must create a filter for it first. Here’s how:
1. Go to (or .com)
2. Click on “Images” tab and search for an image.
3. In “Options” (far right, beside safe search moderate), choose “Advanced Search.”
4. Located towards the bottom of the search fields, select “usage rights”. Choose one of the “free to use” options.