Come join us for our first Vikings Talk session for this year’s Vikings Read! It will take place on Wednesday, November 14th at lunch in the library. Read on to learn more about it.

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What is it?
Like a book club, interested staff and students meet in the library’s magazine area to discuss the selected title. Since these meetings are always held at lunch, bring your lunch!
When do they take place?
Check out the list of meeting dates here.
The library’s magazine section and the surrounding area. Don’t worry if things look tight. We’re a friendly group and always make room for everyone.
Who can come?
Anyone and everyone! It’s generally a mix of staff and students who have read or are interested in reading the book. Some of our students are regulars.
To discuss the books of course! It’s just as much fun to discuss them as it is reading.
The first book we will be discussing is Amy Chua’s Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother – one of our most popular titles! Hope to see you all there!