Good morning!
you can retell.
you can make up.
you can describe.
you can create.
you can build upon.
you can be inspired by.
you can learn from.
you can share.
you can enjoy.
You know I love stories and this morning we will talk about how to share our stories with others and perhaps inspire them to create!
Click here for a video example of sharing Story Studio from The Hive.
There are many possibilities when it comes to sharing in Story Studio! You can simply tell someone your story, draw a picture of your story and then label it, or write the story. You can share your story by painting, drawing, sculpting, or using your imagination to share it creatively. Check out these wonderful examples from Div. 9 below!
Here is how Cara shared her story…she drew a picture of her story and then labeled it. She also wrote down the instructions of “How to Make a Salad”.

Anna’s Story Studio was a fiction story about an animal bridge…

Here is how Evan S. shared his Story Studio…

Nil’s creation and sharing about ninja’s…

Dexter shares his Story Studio about how the car got to the top…

Jocelyn shared a video to tell her story…

Creation by Jocelyn
It seems Ashlyn was inspired by Amy Krause Rosenthal and The OK Book!

Oliver, from Mrs’ Wilson’s Kindergarten class, used the Toontastic app to share his Story Studio. Unfortunately, I am not able to figure out how to share his video, but I’m working on it! In the meantime, check out the Toontastic app or other technologies that help us tell a story like Book Creator, My Storybook Maker or the Sway app in your Windows apps for school. There are many more, so please let me know if there are others you find that are worth recommending to others!
I will continue sharing Story Studios as they come to me, but thanks to Div. 9 and Mrs. E. for helping me launch you all into the Story Studio world! I can’t wait to see how Clinton Elementary gets inspired to create and share with others! ♥ Please feel free to get in touch with me anytime if you have questions or comments about what I have shared.
Happy Storytelling!
Mrs. H.
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