Happy Holidays!

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Library Club Party – Winter 2012

Email us, if you would like a digital copy of any of these photos.

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Renew all library resources today!

We want to see all resources at least once before the winter break so please return or renew them today! Overdue notices will be distributed Wednesday, December 19th.

In the meantime, check out our newest titles to the left. All resources checked out starting today are due Monday, January 7th, 2013 (first day back).

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Ethical Use of Images: A Google How-To

So we’ve talked about the ethical use of images in the library before. You know that you can’t just download an image from the internet and call it your own. So how do you find images that are free to download and use?

There are sites that provide ethically sourced or free images such as Creative Commons and istock but did you know that Google does as well? You must create a filter for it first. Here’s how:

1. Go to www.google.ca (or .com)
2. Click on “Images” tab and search for an image.
3. In “Options” (far right, beside safe search moderate), choose “Advanced Search.”
4. Located towards the bottom of the search fields, select “usage rights”. Choose one of the “free to use” options.

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Katsa was born with superhuman strength and wishes she wasn’t. Her mismatched eye colour reveals her special powers  to everyone around her which make her feared throughout all the kingdom – a fear her uncle, the King, exploits. Soon Katsa is sent on a mission to a rival kingdom. Will she finally come to terms and accept her Grace or will it be her downfall?

Come and join us next Wednesday at lunch when Vikings Talk discusses Kristen Cashore’s Graceling. Bring your lunch and meet us at the magazine section.

Want more Graceling info? Check out this youtube trailer for the book. (note: this cannot be view from school computers)

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Battle Hymn of Viking Talks!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Vikings Talk of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother last Wednesday. If you missed it, be sure to attend Wednesday, December 5th’s session when we discuss Kristen Cashore’s Graceling.

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Vikings Talk this Wednesday!

Come join us for our first Vikings Talk session for this year’s Vikings Read! It will take place on Wednesday, November 14th at lunch in the library. Read on to learn more about it.

Image from kera.org

What is it?
Like a book club, interested staff and students meet in the library’s magazine area to discuss the selected title. Since these meetings are always held at lunch, bring your lunch!

When do they take place?
Check out the list of meeting dates here.

The library’s magazine section and the surrounding area. Don’t worry if things look tight. We’re a friendly group and always make room for everyone.

Who can come?
Anyone and everyone! It’s generally a mix of staff and students who have read or are interested in reading the book. Some of our students are regulars.

To discuss the books of course! It’s just as much fun to discuss them as it is reading.

The first book we will be discussing is Amy Chua’s Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother – one of our most popular titles! Hope to see you all there!


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