Visit by Author Susin Nielsen


Students from a number of English 8 classes enjoyed a visit by Susin Nielsen, the author of Vikings Read 2014 nominee The Reluctant Journal of Henry K. Larsen.  During each of the two sessions Ms. Nielsen talked about her background, spoke of her three novels, and took questions from an interested audience.  The attentive students laughed throughout the presentation as Ms. Nielsen made references ranging from her work writing for and acting in the classic Canadian teen drama Degrassi Junior High to the tale of how two Toronto librarians tried on different occasions to get her book Dear George Clooney, Please Marry My Mom into the hands of George Clooney himself at his home in Lake Como, Italy!  The students were even treated to a reading from Ms. Nielsen’s yet to be released next novel!!  Ms. Nielsen answered student questions on numerous topics.  She told the audiences how she gets through writer’s block (by continuing to write), laid out her favourite part of the writing process (“having written”, i.e., finishing the first draft), gave book recommendations (The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian and The Fault in Our Starts – among others), and revealed her favourite author when she was young (Judy Blume).

Students are encouraged to pick up a copy of Susin Nielsen’s work from our library.  Our collection includes:
Word Nerd, Dear George Clooney, Please Marry My Mom, and The Reluctant Diary of Henry K. Larsen.

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